I love musical theatre, theatre, and music. I love guys but what girl doesnt? LoL There arent to many things im not into, but im the pickiest eater in the world!! LoL lotz of fun. Later days
I want to meet a guy that has a relationship with christ, has a sense of humore and can be romantic, and not violent, everything else is just little details.
And of course Jesus christ, my lord and savior He has helped me through so much and I wouldnt be here today without him!!
I am definately michael buble's biggest fan!!! and pretty much any song thats about love and romance...can you tell im a helpless romantic??? And of course any show tune you can think of...I love musicals!!! hahaha
Pride and Predjudice is my fave however in close second all of the rest tie. The Producers, She's the man, Phantom of the opera, Finding neverland, and of course...every disney movie known to man kind
Extreme home makeover, CSI ( i know im a geek) and i love food network..the way they make really cool stuff is awsome. Believe it or not im actually a semi-good cook thanks to them. And of course Will and Grace...lots of laughs...and The Nanny, and SNL!!
My favorite book at the moment is "He's Just Not That Into You" All girls should read it!! and guys read "She's just not that into you" they aer great books. Also this one book writeen by a speakrer i heard at hume lake, called Soul Sister:R-E-S-P-E-C-T
God, my family, my friends.