Synthetic was created as a defiance to society. In the near and distant future, they intend to challenge and defy elements wrong with society today. These elements include certain laws and regulations, beliefs, and ways of life. The reasons behind it, to inspire thought and question, but all in all, to make a statement.
This however, did not start without a reason. Being stuck in his own personal hell, Javen found himself wanting to let the world know exactly how he felt. In late 2003, he found out what could one day bring peace to his soul. He then started writing and recording his own songs in his home, and expanding his knowledge of other instruments and layering. In late 2006, with his worst fear being realized, he then crafted some of his best songs to date, including "I Am Vein," "This Synthetic Life" and "Part of Me." He then inspired others to join him in his mission to change the world. A long journey they have, but with Vein's unstable mind, there is no telling how powerful they will soon become.
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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting