What's your name? Ryan Bird
Do you think your a good driver? Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be spending all of my time and money on it
What's your car number? 88
What make of engine do you run? Yamaha
What size of engine? 1200cc
Have you ever purposly wrecked someone? Nope, I race clean with everyone that races me clean
If so, who?
How far have you drove to race? 700 miles, by myself, to Kalispell, MT
What's the longest you've drove to WATCH a race? 0, I've always had to save my money to spend on my racing
Have you ever rolled your car? No, thankfully
Have you ever been hurt in a racecar? Not seriously
If so, what? Bruised ankle and ribs
Where do you prefer to run? (top-bottom) Top, but it depends on the track
Do you like a tacky track or a slick track? A slick track is usually more fun, but it takes more discipline
How long have you been racing? Two years
Do you want your car on the loose side or tight? Definitely loose, you can correct loose and still be fast, but the only way to correct tight is to slow down
How many mains have you won? 11
Championships? 1 state championship for Legends Semi-pro 2005, 1 state championship for Legends pro 2006, RMR Legends track champion 2006
Do you work on your own car? Of course
What kind of fire suit do you own? Simpson
Helmet? Simpson
Do you want to move up in racing? Dumb question
If so, what's your goal? Craftsman truck
If not, what do you see yourself doing in the future?
You Are Beer!
You don't need to get totally wasted when you hit the bars.
More of a social drinker, you just like to have fun with your friends.
And as long as the beer keeps flowing, you're a happy camper.
But don't mix things up: "Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker!"
What alcoholic drink are you?
Go to www.rmrracing.com and click on results to check how i've been doing. It's under Legends.
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Which AFI song are you?
The Lost Souls
This song gives a strong feeling of emotion, whether it be desire or completion, mostly about a boyfriend or girlfriend. It fits you cause it seems like you have a lot of potential to love and be loved.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!