Chrissy_Chic profile picture



About Me

How intriguing to be asked a question...of who I am. Do any of us actually know who we are? It is a storm of growth and change that takes us all by surprise. The weatherman doesn't have anything on my life or who I am.In simple state of answer, I'm a 21 year old female with a positive, laid-back personality. I kick it with my close friends every chance I get. I enjoy music, movies, reading, writing, art (all forms). Overall, I'm just a down to earth chick with what I view as a wonderful personality (though some may beg to differ, namely those who are closed minded).But the original question...who is this being I see every morning in the mirror? The voice in my head says that it is me...but still that leaves the question of questions. Who is Me anyway?What does your eyes say

You have a spontaneous personality, your always surrounded by your closest friends, and you hate being bored. You dont care what other people think because you love you for everything your worth and you love to make people laugh. Your talent is knowing how to have fun.

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My Interests

I like DDR (Dance Dance Revolution), my friends, my family, music, coffee, tea, cigarettes (when drinking), comedy of all forms (except for hate filled racial comedy..I don't much care for that). Liquor is a great thing in moderation. Or sometimes in no moderation. Beer, vodka, jager, tequila, malibu.

I'd like to meet:

Well, the standard answer to this question is...Hilary Clinton. She intrigues me. On the flip side...I would also like to meet Monica Lewinski. Lorraina Bobbit...would certainly be on my list. I also would love to have an in depth conversation with Chuck Norris. Jesus may have walked on water....but Chuck Norris walked on Jesus. (LMAO...I love those Chuck Norrisisms.)


Music isn't just something we listen to. It really is a soundtrack of life. I can't really say there is a specific type of music I like, for it is a lie. I love all music for the most part. Although, I'm not fond of too much screaming and bands playing loud guitars in a place not set up for it. I love techno and dance music. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. If it's sexy and it has a great can pretty much guarantee I like it. And yes, music can be sexy...Witness exhibit A, the song that was playing when you entered my page. Exhibit B is a song called Bilingual by Jose can't listen to it without getting a little hot in your nether regions. If you can find it, listen to it. Finally, exhibit C: is as follows...Poe - Hey Pretty


Admittedly, I'm big on sci-fi channel. Some people watch a movie on that channel for five minutes before having to change it because...well...they are cheesy. I love them.I also love myself some John Wayne, Schwarzeneggar, VanDamm style action movies. Gimme Gimme. I truly admit to being my father's child when it comes to entertainment.


Television was a wonderful invention that serves to guide people into trying to live their lives through characters. It has served to assist obesity and loss of creativity.Fortunately, I haven't suffered from a loss of creativity.I watch Lost, My Name is Earl, Dancing with the Stars, Nip/Tuck, Rockstar, and a few shows on Adult Swim (specifically the Squidbillies, Futurama, and Robot Chicken). On top of that, I do love some Spongebob.On the topic of Spongebob, this feeds into another fun filled story that is better told in person...but I feel like putting it here. Brace yourself.I hated Spongebob. He was the devil in my eyes, but of course I was in Education classes up to my ears and I knew deep down that Spongebob was the devil to children. What lessons were learned from a creepy little sponge with a starfish friend dumb as the rock he lived under? Nothing! It was a disgusting cartoon that was not aiding in forming young children's minds...but was prohibiting them from true growth.Then one day, after I decided education wasn't the path for me...I caught an episode on cartoon network. To my surprise...from an adult point of view, that show was freakin hilarious. If you don't think of it as a kid show, holy hell!!! It's a damn funny show...yessir it certainly is.


My list of favorite books are just as varied as my list of music. I read most of all books that I find. I'm a huge fan of Dean Koontz and Iris Johnasen. I read a few Stephen Kings, and I pick up random series that appeal to me. Recently I just finished reading the Halo series. I suppose in general, my favorite genre of books runs similarly to my choice of movies. Action, adventure, sci-fi, and such.Admittedly, my choice of books used to be much deeper and far more intellectual. Some of the classics such as Crime & Punishment, War & Peace, most Shakespeare. Of course, when you are in college and read tons of information jumbo you tend to lean toward light reading as a source of entertainment. I don't want to read books that make my head hurt from thinking on my free time.


Simply put, my father is my hero. He's an amazing individual. He's intelligent and strong. I suppose this might feed from the simple fact that I am a daddy's girl. Technically, I'm his only blood related child (my siblings were from my mother's previous marriage). Of course, no one would ever know because he loves us all as his own, but I am his little girl. Plain and simple.From this does stem some aggravation. Because I'm his youngest and I'm female, he tends to take a protective stance. He doesn't seem to get the fact that I'm quite capable of taking care of myself in most situations.I will turn to him when I truly need him, but until then I just hope he knows that I live to not only make him proud, but myself proud. The latter is quite a bit more difficult. We all are our own most pained critics.

You are The High Priestess

Science, Wisdom, Knowledge, Education.

The High Priestess is the card of knowledge, instinctual, supernatural, secret knowledge. She holds scrolls of arcane information that she might, or might not reveal to you. The moon crown on her head as well as the crescent by her foot indicates her willingness to illuminate what you otherwise might not see, reveal the secrets you need to know. The High Priestess is also associated with the moon however and can also indicate change or fluxuation, particularily when it comes to your moods.

My Blog

Long Winter Nights ~ Short Winter Days

It is good to be strong and self-reliant. It is a great thing to be independent and to not have to depend on someone. Yet, sometimes you just need someone. The long winter nights and short winter day...
Posted by Chrissy_Chic on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 12:05:00 PST

Ode to a Best Friend

When your feeling low, lower than the floor and you think that you ain't got a chance *bum bum bum* Don't make a move until your in the grove, and do the peter panda dance! Just hop three times like a...
Posted by Chrissy_Chic on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 01:17:00 PST


So, word on the street parents' dog is having 4 puppies. If there is a little boy dachshund that looks like the father, then he's mine. Of course, the chance of that occurring is not very like...
Posted by Chrissy_Chic on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:35:00 PST


So....I tried to post a cute as hell blog...that was morbid...and hilarious. It also appeared to catch my personality and the way that I will be known when I'm gone and the way that I will die. It was...
Posted by Chrissy_Chic on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 04:19:00 PST

My Last Will & Testament

I, Chrissy, being of sound mind, hereby bequeath my entire estate to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.   I do this because I want to support their efforts to take over the world.My only regr...
Posted by Chrissy_Chic on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 11:31:00 PST

Anti-God Post

I do have one negative the aftermath. It didn't strike me until the following day...that's when I came down from my total enlightenment. Marilyn is a genuinely good person...who has never...
Posted by Chrissy_Chic on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 01:23:00 PST


Ok, so those of you who know me...know that I follow the Buddhist way of life. I seek  absolute enlightenment and care for all things. Well folks, this weekend I achieve a moment of absolute enli...
Posted by Chrissy_Chic on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 01:13:00 PST

C's get degrees is my situation...and I haven't talked about it much other than with my closest friends...aka...Thomi, Kathleen, Lindsey, and Rachel. Love ya guys. Anyway...I'm not graduating at the end o...
Posted by Chrissy_Chic on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 07:17:00 PST

Back to the.....Past...

Ok....I'm a little creeped out this morning. In fact...a perfectly mellow day has kinda gone downhill. It's strange how you can be living your life and something will happen that brings back the past....
Posted by Chrissy_Chic on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 10:48:00 PST

I swear...

Men are the third strangest creatures in the world. First goes to the Platypus. Poor species confused platypus. Second are obviously women...cause we definitely take the cake over men...and then men a...
Posted by Chrissy_Chic on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 01:34:00 PST