Don't know what to buy and what not to buy? Let Me Tell You
Keep mercury out of your blood - recycle your fluorescent bulbs
I want everyone to understand that I am not special. I am not creative, or an intellectual, or some extraordinary person that crusades for the right of freedom for everyone. I am just like everyone else. I have dreams, and I have fears. I have responsibilities, and I have regrets. If you and I are any different, it is because you made a conscious choice to ignore your responsiblities, and have decided go on about your day like nothing you do matters, good or bad.
It's time to change the way we think. Leading by example doesn't work; it's too easy for anyone to say that it takes an extraordinary person to pursue justice. It's time to accept that we who disdain the status quo are normal, and everyone else is just trying to cheat their way out of having to pull their load. We need to stop fighting the machine. It's time to be the machine.
So our only defense is to cheat. Let our guile be our strength. Have friends that aren't interested in making a difference? Consciously make them feel left out and excluded. Constantly talk about all the ridiculously hot guys & girls you meet at public events, oh but your friends aren't allowed to come because it only for cause supporters. Everyone knows that guys will do anything if they think it will get them laid. So talk about how much you get laid as a result - because everyone knows that liberal girls put out.
I also make music that doesn't suck:
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