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While See I like Television but I have a BIG ASS list so let's just say I like all the stuff that's on T.V. Okay maybe I can say some...I Love New York 1 and 2, A Shot Of Tila Taquila Love, Jams 204, 205 & 207, Lifetime Movie Network, BET, Anything on channel 58; maybe 57, Jerry Springer, Maury, and DISNEY(all shows), yes i still have a kid touch in me. I love kids, babies, children, there my heart. (lol) uuummmmmm that's about all I can remeber right now...
My Mother I would have to say her bcuz she has always been there for me and taught me a few things in life, and she went through the worst thing in her life that I would never think or dream of happening to someone so close to me...It broke my heart so bad and I learnt from that and that's why I thank my mom for everything. We may have our dissagreements but nothing over powers mother love. (remember that):) You must Love one another or die!!!