I am an accountant born and raised in lil ole Rhode Island, and hopefully won't be stuck here for the rest of my life! I am currently persuing my M.B.A. and also take on separate art projects here and there - most proud of my mural I did in a Domestic Violence shelter. Co-workers joke that I should be in a different profession b/c I have the ability to tap into that "other side" of my brain besides just the math and logisitics. I love city life yet love the beach - perhaps that is the two sides of my brain working again...I am a no b.s. kinda person who likes to get straight to the point and can't deal with drama and detail - and loves to be SARCASTIC! I love to cause harmless trouble, spend time with my pug(s), tan on the beach, and ride around in fun cars (materialistic - maybe, but I really think a car tells alot about a person, whether its a beat up old car or a fancy new car - there are good points to both! note: I didn't necessarily say nice cars - I said fun cars!) And being both Irish and Polish, I always have the best time throwing back a drink or two, or three, with friends. But it wouldn't be rare to find me relaxing, hanging out on a weekend night watching a movie with someone - a girls gotta rest ya know! Did I mention I speak French too?
You Belong in New York City
You're an energetic, ambitious woman.
And only NYC is fast enough for you.
Maybe you'll set yourself up with a killer career
Or simply take in all the city has to offer. What City Do You Belong In?
Youze are 91% Rho Duylanda
Wikked Smot, did ya graduate from You-Ahh-Eye? Not for nuthin but why dont you treat yourself to a nice suppa on "The Hill"
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