My interest would include being outdoors. I enjoy playing basketball, football, mountain biking, hiking and running. I also enjoy fishing and camping out in the wilderness. I enjoy smelling the fresh air and feeling the cool breeze and smelling the fresh scent of pine trees. I also like traveling and exploring new and exciting places. I would like to try rock climbing sometime and maybe sky diving if I get a chance. I grew up in a urban area so I am used to having limited resources. I would like to travel to places that I never been before. Since my school is out of the way I hope I can get the opportunity to travel to new places, cold or hot.
I am open to meeting people. I enjoy hanging out with people that like to hang out outdoors and are pretty outgoing.
Movies I enjoy watching are more of action and comedy movies, such as collateral, mission impossible 1, 2, and 3 are pretty good action movies also. I enjoy all the matrix movies, pretty good graphics on all the matrix movies. As far as comedy movies I think jim carey makes some pretty funny movies, such as me, myself and irene. I also think the great white hype was a pretty funny movie, I still think harlem nights was a pretty funny movie also. old school movies but its still funny, such as gods must be crazy sequels are also pretty funny. No graphics there..haha
I dont watch alot of shows but the only show that I watch alot of would probably have to be that 70's show, other than that I watch more sports games and also watch alot of espn highlights. The best sport I like watching would be football (go Carolina Panthers...) Bet there going to take the superbowl this year. I also like watching basketball but only when good teams are playing.. ( go suns..) they better take it in 2008...
The only books i read are books that i have to read..haha I am not much of a book reader, it just puts me to sleep, but i can read storys on the internet...haha
I dont really look at anybody as a role model but I think a hero for me would have to be somebody who grew up with limited resources and actually moving to a city and succeeding in their goals such as getting a college degree and getting a good job and having a future that you can depend on and living your life to the fullest and having money to retire on so that you wouldnt have to depend on the government financially for the future.