Jesus, Writing, history, study of the bible, Jewish History (biblical and otherwise), music in Hebrew, music, learning guitar, worship, testimonies, art, my dog
Currently....a 10 thousand dollar check and all my debt paid so I can return to where God has called me.
That and Jesus....He's pretty cool.
Misty Edwards, Matt Redman, Skillet, David Crowder Band, the Bridge Band, Matisyahu, Vineyard, Passion bands, lots of Praise n worship, etc.
End of the Spear, the Passion of Christ, Napolean Dynomite, Gospel of John....trying to stay clear from most of them in my life
Trying to get rid of it in my life.
the Bible, the Case for Christ, Revolution in the Church, A Call to Holy War, Rock the Boat
Yeshua of Nazareth, the apostle Paul, Martyrs of the faith, missionaries, those willing to give up the conforts of American society to preach this Gospel to those destined to death otherwise, those that follow after God by life or by death, my friends who have sacrificed it all to do His will.