chiLLbiLLy profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

What's to say, really. I'm currently married to a lovely, wonderful, little girl (wait, that doesn't make me sound like some sort of child molester, does it?). No, really...she's only 5 years younger, so it's all good (score!). Always good to get younger at that position...know what I mean, Vern? Uhhhh, kids, yet, unless you count our rabbit child, Mister B. Found him in the parking lot of our apartment 5 years ago and he's ruled the roost ever since. Anyway, I've been working for quite a few years at a law firm that specializes in nothing but asbestos personal injury cases (good use of my degree...bleah). When I'm not working, I try to have more than my fair share of fun (although that hasn't seemed to work out too well in recent years - trying to get back to that oh-so-ambitious goal) and I like to spend time with my wife, my fur-child, my family and my friends. Seacrest, out.

My Interests

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