Art in all forms, Music, Burlesque, and bellydancing, Fashion, Good food and spending time with friends. Playing dress up for no reason.costuming. Creating living art.
My Lite Brite piece "Alexis" for Art Basel Miami 2005
The newest Lite Brite piece "Jennifer"
The art of Beth Cavener Stichner
Artistic and upbeat people. Other local artist and body painters. women that love themselves for who they are. Men who love their women for who they are.
Big dog lovers.
The Girls, Fetish Factory 11th Anniversary
Your Seduction Style: Sex Pot
Tradionally known as a "siren", "rake", or "femme fatale." You exude sensuality.
And while your sexiness is part of what makes you an incredible seducer...
Your ability to make others feel sexy is what really makes your seduction skills shine.
Most people don't feel attractive or desired enough - a need which you tap into.
You have the ultimate sex appeal, and getting attention from you is a total self esteem boost.
Your confidence is contagious, and you help others unleash their own sexuality.
Your sex pot seduction skills are so intoxicating that you can get away with... well, almost murder.
Lovers feel like your sensuality is in your blood, so it's only natural if you flirt a little.
And if you stray, that might be okay as well - as long as you make your lover still feel hot.
What Kind of Seducer Are You?
Photo Courtesy of Scott White @
Tastebud @ Brouges
Marshall taming the pussy
Only if it kicks my ass, then loves it down. Stillkept, Tastebud, Guano Apes, Gorillaz, Genitortures, Fugazi, Kid Ghetto, Frou Frou, Garbage, BabyAnn, NIN, Arabesque, No Doubt, Kitty, Medicine Hat,StationGround, Remy Shand, Dresden Dolls, 311, Zombie, and so much more.
Watership Down, Plaque Dogs, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Pretty Things, The Jerk, Interview with the Vampire, Queen of the Damned,
Anything dark and sexy. Anything stupidly funny.
Sorry, no horror movies for me, thanks.
Family Guy, Adult Swim, makeover and improvement shows, House. Not much for tv, but i'll watch it if it doesn't suck.
All Anne Rice, Torture Garden, Watership Down, Plague Dogs, Classics like Count of Monte Cristo, Pride and Prejudice, History of the Femme Fatale, The Art of Eiko Ishioka, Fashion and Fetishism, Extreme Beauty. Mostly art books, Fashion, Makeup and Photography.
I like the pretty pictures.
Global Gathering, Miami 2006
Mom, Thanks for doing it all on your own. Love ya.