anna purple glitter hayes profile picture

anna purple glitter hayes

.and then something in the deli aisle makes you cry.

About Me

I study Itaian to understand my heritage why I fly off the handle at the slightest nuance the slightest rudeness why tomatoes and basil simmer in the blood why the smell of espresso brings back memories too strong to ignore I study Italian to understand my family why silence was understood but never called omerta why my mother ran the house why my father played the mandolin I study Italian to understand the words my grandmother said to me stai zitto, a chi, piacere , stai bene I study Italian to understand who I am in the world of spongy white American bread turkey and mayonnaise I study Italian to understand why I crave pasta on Sunday at noon the taste of good wine at dinner olive oil on my salad I study Italian to understand to come home to bind with past to create a future where my heritage will not be lost to my children to keep alive all that has gone beforeso outrageous

My Interests

35 Things In The Life Of An Italian Child01. You have at least one relative who wore a black dress every day for an entire year after a funeral. 02. You spent your entire childhood thinking what you ate for lunch was pronounced "sangwich." 03. Your family dog understood Italian. 04. Every Sunday afternoon of your childhood was spent visiting your grandparents and extended family. 05. You've experienced the phenomena of 150 people fitting into 50 square feet of yard during a family cookout. 06. You were surprised to discover the FDA recommends you eat three meals a day, not seven. 07. You thought killing the pig each year and having salami, capacollo, pancetta and prosciutto hanging out to dry from your shed ceiling was absolutely normal. 08. You ate pasta for dinner at least three times a week, and every Sunday, and laughed at the commercial for Wednesday is Prince Spaghetti day. 09. You grew up thinking no fruit or vegetable had a fixed price and that the price of everything was negotiable through haggling. 10. You were as tall as your grandmother by the age of seven. 11. You thought everyone's last name ended in a vowel. 12. You thought nylons were supposed to be worn rolled to the ankles. 13. Your mom's main hobby is cleaning. 14. You thought that everyone made their own tomato sauce. 15. You ate your salad after the main course. 16. You thought Catholic was the only religion in the world. 17. You were beaten at least once with a wooden spoon or broom. 18. You thought every meal had to be eaten with a hunk of bread in your hand. 19. You can understand Italian but you can't speak it. 20. You have at least one relative who came over on the boat. 21. You have at least six male relatives named Tony, Frank, Joe or Louie. 22. You have relatives who aren't really your relatives.23. You drank wine before you were a teenager. 24. You relate on some level, to the Godfather and the Sopranos.25. You grew up in a house with a yard that didn't have one patch of dirt that didn't have a flower or a vegetable growing out of it. 26. Your grandparent's furniture was as comfortable as sitting on plastic. Wait!!!! You were sitting on plastic. 27. You thought that talking loud was normal. 28. You thought sugared almonds and the Tarantella were common at all weddings. 29. You thought everyone got pinched on the cheeks and money stuffed in their pockets by their relatives. 30. Your mother is overly protective of the males in the family no matter what their age. 31. There was a crucifix in every room of the house. 32. Wakes would be held in someone's living room. 33. You couldn't date a boy without getting approval from your father. (Oh, and he had to be Italian) 34. You dreaded taking out your lunch at school. 35. Every condition, ailment, misfortune, memory loss and accident was attributed to the fact that you didn't eat something. so you want to know about me huh? one of my best friends once deemed me anna purple glitter hayes and i don't think he knew at the time it would catch on quite this. Well it did. So I am currently in this constant state of transition. i live half my life in the Bay Area, California ... we wear stunna shades and get hyphy, like the fog because we love the ocean.... and half my life in Boston, Mass. Well, I wouldn't really say its half and half maybe 60/40 or 70/30. Let's just say I love that I chose to go to school back east but I am and always will be from California, though I do plan on owning a villa along the Almalfi Coast in the future. I have so much pride in my heritage, sometimes it starts to control my life and sometimes it gets my life under control but i am reminded that I am italian everytime i look in the mirror and thats something i wouldn't give up for anything. like really,, this one time i went to paris with 4 of my most favorite women and role models. We made memories there I will write a book about some day. Along with that one about the life of a publicist and maybe a few hot and steamy romance novels.I can be ditzy but I am not ignorant.I work hard and party harder. I trust people too much. I take risks, learn things the hard way, figure it all out in the end, and like woah that's what makes me... me.I have AMAZING friends for whom i will pick out the most beautiful bridesmaids dresses one day and can't wait to grow old with... and a family who puts the HILARIOUSLY RIDICULOUS in disfunctional, we'll blame them for everything and thank them for the rest.....

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to come in contact with destiny and ask him if all this is worth it


The Godfather. The CricketSoda Myspace Profile Editor ..


Angelina Gambardella. she gave me this big nose and every bit of pride that comes with it.