Ello, im teaz!!
-college -provoking thought -chess -hip hop -inspiring enlightenment -finding joy -self expansion -thrift stores -dancing -curiosity -stretching -hip hop -entertainment/performer -constantly evolving
-balance/Libra -black and white/yin & yang -hip hop -growing/learning -graffiti/expression -quotes/lyricism -hip hop -infinite want to understand -the moon -character improvement/realization -katz/felines -the circus/attraction -seeking challenge/depth -words/articulations -handwriting/language -change/adaptability -composure/demeanor -photos/modeling -impact/influence -fame/vanity/aesthetics -hip hop -self respect/self sufficient -goals/aspirations/dreamz -PROGRESS
Well, about me, to begin:
I was built on the moon.
Born close to Halloween, but not nearly as close as I would have preferred… My age is irrelevant, my demeanor, prided on intellect. Consumed with the art of entertainment, I inspire and enlighten; I express, in all things, and for all things, I feel grateful. Ruled by the defined contrast of black and white, I not only exist, but thrive, dwelling in the grey area of suspension. Vague with my intent, I maintain an open minded and indecisive lack of obligations, considering all things to be relative, and up for interpretation. Fascinated with lyrical, poetic, and explanatory articulations, I often lose myself in the plethora that is vocabulary. My abnormal lust for learning provokes my desire to understand all that is, and contrarily, all that isn't. I have nine lives, and each one is suffering from relentless curiosity, for this thankful.
I make the most of all that comes, and the least of all that goes.
Timelessly infested with progress, I attempt to always improve on my character. I believe in balance, self respect, self-sufficiency, self centered? That all good things take time, and change is the only constant. I’m against negativity, unnecessary rudeness, and absolutes; excluding loving my mother, the only thing I have committed myself to unconditionally. I have determined the best way to keep my word, is not to give it, and I can’t express the respect I bestow on those who take responsibility for their own actions! I encompass the very essence of "particular," and strive to continuously evolve towards being the best version of myself possible!
I have learned, to listen; to place both my ultimate contentment and dependences in no one but myself. The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere and I now grasp the endless importance of forgiveness, and the strength it takes to hold no record of wrong. The overwhelming comfort acceptance can create, and the need to always accept fully, without judgment. There is immeasurable hope and power found in the unconditional idea of "forever," though it is truly rare and far between. You can't be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with, and no company really is better than bad company. Being kind in all things avoids most trivial drama, and he who angers you conquers you. I have found nearly all things prove to be temporal, and when giving anything or everything, I realize the risk of losing it all. Those who have much have much to fear, and my life is meant to be spent not saved. I approach all I encounter with curiosity, which empowers, opposed to fear, that paralyzes. I have learned to be thankful; nothing you learn from is ever wasteful. As a final point I have become very aware that I still have so much to learn.
My future is impending, naturally. My intentions are wishful, and my options look good. Remembering that plans are subject to change, I keep my prospects open.
I can sum all I have learned about life up in three words, “it goes on.â€
My world is ruled by black and white. This does include shades of grey of course.
I'm a terpsichorean. Performing is a passion, a lifestyle and an attitude. One I will never part with and do my best to expand in.
I surround myself with people I can learn from, respect, and challenge, but that aren't afraid to challenge me. Little attention is payed to how physical appearances. I base friendships and relationships alike on people’s personalities and character, my perceptions of them. I'm drawn to individuality, confidence and success.
One of my best and most impacting friends told me "life is what u make of it" I try to fallow this in all things I do.
I jus do my best to keep existing.
**the word would be a better place if all the people that owed me money paid me back!!
Smile, it looks good on you!
"A cat could well be mans best friend...
If only man understood the value of earned relationship, over controlled relationship." -kity
Felis Silvestris Catus Domesticus More commonly known as: House Cats
Can be prone to opaqueness or inscrutability
They are often fully self-sufficiency
Cats do not have a pack mentality
This mainly means that an individual cat takes care of
All basic needs on its own
When treated with true affections,
Not tampered or false feelings
Can be extremely loving and devoted
Although cats are selective with there love
To mean that a cat once kicked in the face
Will not run back to its abusive owner
Apposed to a dog that will love unconditionally
A cats love must be earned and maintained
A dogs is given without question
Cats tends to protect there territory
They will not tolerate there personal space,
Personal being or personal possessions being violated
Cats have been know to punish and kill
Those who betray there trust
Cats have a fondness for heights
This is explained, that from high up in a tree
Or high up in a society
The cat has more options and a better observation point
Leading the cat to more success in its life
Cats like to be comfortable
In a comfortable environment with a comfortable temperature
They develop attachment to certain objects or toys
Such as pillows, blankets, bags, and occasionally colors
Cats can be the best and the worst
Depending on the treatment they receive
If you are loyal, loving, and respectful to your cat
They shall return the favor
Cats have much self respect and often know how much there worth
They tend to expect nothing but the best
But they also expect to give back nothing but the same
I shall be Felis Silvestris Catus Domesticus
The not so common house cat.
..always the tinkerbell, never the wendy...
Excited but yet terrified
calm but still afraid
strong but yet im weakened
by mistakes that I have made
tired yet im restless
quiet, though im not shy
confident but I still ask
myself the question why
trusting though i sometimes lie
arrogant but i still care
anxious and awaiting
frustrated cause life’s not fair
worried about the future
disappointed in my past
so slow, so sure, so steady
the end will come to fast
loving is unheard of
fear is never shown
my heart is all but empty
and the truth remains unknown!