Myself?! All right! I love talking about myself! Remember me? I'm that guy that served you at Denny's when you were really really really really drunk off your ass, and you forgot to leave a tip. What you don't remember? Well I do! So pay up chump! You won't see me at Denny's anymore though, /cry. You'll have to pass your drunken stupors off on some other unsuspecting waiter. I'm all about telecom now. Cal-Comm
I love movies, video games, motorcycling, (which is to say I love riding motorcycles, but ask me to name the specific components, stats, ignition times, etc etc on a bike, and I will look at you like you are speaking swahili). I love studying Japanese language, and I have bi-lingual envy. I went to Japan once and I want to go back, but I will have to bone up on my Japanese a lot.... heh I said bone. /slap
I love my friends, lan parties, swing dancing, and sour candy. I love my cat Hamlet. He's insane. Hey, just like Hamlet (the character). I love winning at gambling... I hate losing at it. Most of the time I like to hang out with my friends, and point out the punchlines to their jokes. "Ha ha, it's funny cause it's like a vagina! haha i get it."
I drink now. Still looking for a drink I actually like. (Taking suggestions).
Not a smoker. Tobacco = Nasty ash tray mouth.
Hopelessly devoted to my love Amy.
Ok that's enough for now, no one really wants to hear that much about me anyway.
If anyone is interested: Server: Unicorn :: Name: Kishu