Chocolate, zombie movies, scary stories, Pre-Raphaelite art, Gothic Lolita, corsetry, sewing, art, graphic arts, photography, doing interesting things to my house, creating, ghosts, haunted houses, dreams, animals, writing of all kinds, boots, Hello Kitty
I'd like to meet:
Alan Rickman, Olivia, Brian Froud, Udo Kier, Jason Isaacs, Gary Oldman, David Bowie, David Thewlis, Emma Thompson, Tricky, J.K. Rowling, Tori Amos, Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phil, Tim Burton, Bob Ross (sadly deceased), Madeline Kahn (also deceased even more sadly), Edward Gorey (deceased), and more to come when I have more time to type it all out. : )
I LOVE TRICKY!!! (thank you Steve) David Bowie, Gary Numan, The Cranes, Tori Amos, The Cure, Beethoven, Bjork, Mozart, Portishead, V.A.S.T., Dead Can Dance, and many more to be listed later
The Dark Crystal, The Neverending Story, Labyrinth, The Secret of NIMH, Legend, Dune, The Prophecy (1,2,&3), Star Wars movies (except the most recent), Star Trek movies, Dawn of the Dead (original), Day of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Land of the Dead, Shaun of the Dead, Bubba Hotep, Evil Dead 1,2 and Army of Darkness, Dead Alive, Heavenly Creatures, Harry Potter movies, also more to come...
Star Trek, Monty Python, Danger UXB, The Danger Brothers, Dr. Who and many more
I'm a short story fan so here's a brief list of my favourite stories:
Nathaniel Hawthorne:
The Birthmark,
Rappaccini's Daughter,
Young Goodman Brown,
Maypole of Merrymount,
The Minister's Black Veil ,
My Kinsman, Major MolineuxRobert Louis Stevenson:
The Bottled Imp,
The Suicide Club,
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,
and more I can't think of at the moment;Edgar Allan Poe:
Have read his complete works and my absolute favourite story is The Oval Portrait;H.P. Lovecraft:
Have almost read all of his works but this list is too long to type;I love Shakespeare and have read a lot of him as well.
Dracula by Bram Stoker;
ALL the Harry Potter books;The Hobbit,
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy