Chrissy profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I've finally graduated college! WOO HOO! 3.99 GPA and Best Student in my Program! HOORAY! I've also added FGS Designs, Stab and Stash, and The Fairy Society to my list of art contracts! Things are going well but I am really really busy. It doesn't matter though, as long as I'm doing what I love I don't mind being busy at all. Looking forward to doing more fan chats soon too, so keep an eye on my blog and I will post when and where! :D

Visit My New Website

Please drop by a and say hi! Leave me a message on my guestbook, I would love to hear from you! :)

Call Me!

This is my snazzy new Snapvine player! Just click the Record by Phone button to get the toll-free number and extension and leave me a voicemail!! I would love to hear from you! :D

Current Companies I'm Licensing With:

Artistic Minds Inc.
Digital licensing of my art for your web design and tagging needs.
Stab and Stash
You can now purchase cross stitch patterns of my artwork!
FGS Designs
My new line of Sugar Snips 3D decoupage is finally out and available in retail stores across England! For a list of shops near you, or online if you're not from UK, then visit here for a store locator!My recommended online shop of choice is with the complete Sugar Snips line available!

If You are Interested in Licensing My Work:

I am available for licensing and open to any opportunity. I deal in semi-exclusive contracts only(e.g. if I license with you for cross stitch I cannot license with any other company for that specific product, but I can license other companies for non similar products). My gallery is located at here and stays current with my most recent works for examples of my abilities. If you are still interested please contact me at [email protected] .

My Interests

Chocolate, zombie movies, scary stories, Pre-Raphaelite art, Gothic Lolita, corsetry, sewing, art, graphic arts, photography, doing interesting things to my house, creating, ghosts, haunted houses, dreams, animals, writing of all kinds, boots, Hello Kitty

I'd like to meet:

Alan Rickman, Olivia, Brian Froud, Udo Kier, Jason Isaacs, Gary Oldman, David Bowie, David Thewlis, Emma Thompson, Tricky, J.K. Rowling, Tori Amos, Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phil, Tim Burton, Bob Ross (sadly deceased), Madeline Kahn (also deceased even more sadly), Edward Gorey (deceased), and more to come when I have more time to type it all out. : )


I LOVE TRICKY!!! (thank you Steve) David Bowie, Gary Numan, The Cranes, Tori Amos, The Cure, Beethoven, Bjork, Mozart, Portishead, V.A.S.T., Dead Can Dance, and many more to be listed later


The Dark Crystal, The Neverending Story, Labyrinth, The Secret of NIMH, Legend, Dune, The Prophecy (1,2,&3), Star Wars movies (except the most recent), Star Trek movies, Dawn of the Dead (original), Day of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Land of the Dead, Shaun of the Dead, Bubba Hotep, Evil Dead 1,2 and Army of Darkness, Dead Alive, Heavenly Creatures, Harry Potter movies, also more to come...


Star Trek, Monty Python, Danger UXB, The Danger Brothers, Dr. Who and many more


I'm a short story fan so here's a brief list of my favourite stories: Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Birthmark, Rappaccini's Daughter, Young Goodman Brown, Maypole of Merrymount, The Minister's Black Veil , My Kinsman, Major MolineuxRobert Louis Stevenson: The Bottled Imp, The Suicide Club, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and more I can't think of at the moment;Edgar Allan Poe: Have read his complete works and my absolute favourite story is The Oval Portrait;H.P. Lovecraft: Have almost read all of his works but this list is too long to type;I love Shakespeare and have read a lot of him as well. Dracula by Bram Stoker; ALL the Harry Potter books;The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

My Blog

Read this if you want insight on how stupid people work

This is sooo ridiculous, but this is based on a bad experience my good friend had recently. Just tell me how dumb this is: Seriously I'm so tired of stupid people.. Heres an example for you..I decided...
Posted by Chrissy on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 11:36:00 PST


 Hey everyone! I'm so excited because this year my products are going to be at FaerieCOn!!! Unfortunately I do not get to go personally :( but my products will be there in booth 1534-1537, and my...
Posted by Chrissy on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 04:38:00 PST

Back from the Indiana Art Fest!

Well, so I'm back and had tons of fun with Ms. Lacy Clagg herself.  It was fun to actually meet her in person, and she's totally cute, she looks like Lisa Loeb to me. lol! I hope she doesn't kill...
Posted by Chrissy on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 12:11:00 PST

Come see me or call me!

Hey everyone! I just graduated college on Saturday and am taking the summer off woo hoo! Art only! YAY! I will be at the Indiana Festival the first weekend of June, so if any of you live near Indianap...
Posted by Chrissy on Thu, 10 May 2007 09:08:00 PST

Horrifying Animal Cruetly Called "Art"

Please bear with me, I will be using bad language, I just can't help it, so if you are offended by that don't read.This sick fuck calling himself an 'artist' made a movie in which they drown a small k...
Posted by Chrissy on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 07:01:00 PST

Finally an update! XD

I finally did something with my page! *gasp* Now it matches my website! YAY! I have all my licensing information up, now all that's left to do is update my pictures. :DI am sooo busy lately with this ...
Posted by Chrissy on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 08:48:00 PST

New look!

Alright! So I finally got around to updating this abandoned myspace page! XD Hopefully I'll be on here more, but I'm still pretty busy. What does everyone think of the new page 'look'?
Posted by Chrissy on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 06:52:00 PST