I am a Deacon at my church, and my wife and I are also in charge of Teen Helpers, an awesome group of volunteer students from 6th-12th grade who help Children's Ministry teachers out with students from Nursery to 5th grade. (There's usually about anywhere from 2000-3000 children to teach on a weekend at our church) Some of these teens move up to become Teen Teachers while still in high school.
Me in a nutshell: Enjoying my family, hanging out with friends, laughter, enjoying the stars, thunderstorms, fireworks, enjoying great views(mountains, sunsets, etc), dancing (the real kind), doing contact sports, getting muddy, playing in the rain, camping, getting some sun, dogs, playing with kids. Reading, drag racing, (I used to live 3 miles from National Trails Raceway in Ohio, what'd you expect??) mudding/off roading, swimming, lifting, white water rafting, biking, riding motorcycles, snowboarding, checking out new music, hearing people's life stories, encouraging people, rebuilding people's homes, and/or churches, working with my church, learning about the hardships and blessings of God and life. Not to include, loving my wife who supports me no matter what!
People who can make great jokes and people with great life stories.
Honestly, lyrics dont mean much to me. The music of the song is everything. If I wanted cool lyrics I could just read poetry. The music is what makes me think. When I hear the music flow together perfectly it takes me to places I can only dream about.
So in other words: Anything, depending on the mood.
I love action movies. Why? The Action! The Thrill! The toys! I also love comedies. Not the normal type, but the kind that make your sides ache. Thrillers and Suspense are also a favorite. I'm not a really big fan of chick flicks, but I do watch them when my wife wants to.
Smallville, 24, Simpsons, Heroes, Scrubs....or Halo and other games.
I've been listening to books (or music) on my iPod at work, so I go through a few per month.
King David and Daniel of the Bible, and those who are persecuted for Christ around the world.