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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

cali native boRn in san jo, yeaR of the boaR, zodiac siGn is leo, lived in poRt hueneme and camaRillo, in '79 moved down to dieGo, now in "lost waGes" capitol of buffets and casinos i staRt some tRouble eveRywheRe that i Go, ask the bounceRs (abe, john, GRound contRol) in the clubs (musique in motion, sound innovatoRs, spectRum, leGacy attRactions, 3 style, undeR constRuction, leGend enteRtainment) cuz they know, i staRt some shit they thRow me out the back dooR, i come back and shoot the club up with a .44 nicknamed "captain caveman" way back in 1991, by leGend enteRtainment co-foundeR and woRld famous beat junkie "dj icy ice" Respect!

My Interests

(base, basket, foot, soft, volley)ball. bicyclinG, billiaRds, bowlinG, GiRls, mixed maRtial aRts, monoGamy, pokeR, technoloGy, tuRntablism, Gbl (suRf dawGs), nfl (chaRGeRs), mlb (padRes)

I'd like to meet:

jasmine tRias, nicole scheRzinGeR, maile misajon, kelly hu, minG na, tamlyn tomita, zhanG ziyi, kRistin kReuk, yuRi taG, cindy minowa, jia huanG, paRmindeR naGRa, maRia menounos, tina landon, deboRah Gibson, lacey chabeRt, alexis bledel, masiela lusha, dakota fanninG, louRdes ciccone, youR mama i want somebody to shaRe shaRe the Rest of my life shaRe my inneRmost thouGhts know my intimate details someone who'll stand by my side and Give me suppoRt and in Return she'll Get my suppoRt she will listen to me when i want to speak about the woRld we live in and life in GeneRal thouGh my views may be wRonG they may even be peRveRted she'll heaR me out and won't easily be conveRted to my way of thinkinG in fact she'll often disaGRee but at the end of it all she will undeRstand me i want somebody who caRes foR me passionately with eveRy thouGht and with eveRy bReath someone who'll help me see thinGs in a diffeRent liGht all the thinGs i detest i will almost like i don't want to be tied to anyone's stRinGs i'm caRefully tRyinG to steeR cleaR of those thinGs but when i'm asleep i want somebody who will put theiR aRms aRound me and kiss me tendeRly thouGh thinGs like this make me sick in a case like this i'll Get away with it depeche mode / somebody / some GReat RewaRd


i listen to anythinG and eveRythinG fRom acapella, acoustic, alteRnative, biG band, classical, countRy, doo wop, disco, dRumline, electRo, fReestyle, funk, heavy metal, hip hop, house, industRial, jazz, motown, new wave, pop, punk, Rap, ReGGae, Rhythym and blues, Rock and Roll, show tunes, ska, soul, standaRds, tRance (abba - ac/dc, banGles - beat junkies, caRpenteRs - cuRe, da bRat - duRan duRan, euRythmics - enGlish beat, fuGees - foo fiGhteRs, Go Gos - GaRth bRooks, heaRt - hoobastank, inxs - ice cube, jane's addiction - juvenile, kenny RoGeRs - kinks, lisa lisa and cult jam - led zeppelin, madonna - metallica, nsync - n.w.a., osmonds - ozzy osbouRne, pRtenedeRs - pRince, queen - q tip, Radiohead - Run dmc, sade - sublime, thompson twins - tupac, u2 - unwRitten law, vanity6 - violent femmes, wilson phillips - weiRd al yankovic, xscape - xzibit, yellowcaRd - yinG yanG twins, zhane - zz top, 311 - 50 cent)


*1971* willy wonka and the chocolate factoRy, diRty haRRy *1972* the chinese connection *1973* ameRican GRaffiti, the woRld's GReatest athlete, enteR the dRaGon *1974* pippi lonGstockinG *1975* jaws, cooley hiGh *1976* Rocky, the bad news beaRs *1977* satuRday niGht feveR, staR waRs, close encounteRs of the thiRd kind *1978* GRease, animal house, ameRican hot wax *1979* the waRRioRs, mad max, the muppet movie, escape fRom alcatRaz, the wandeReRs, the jeRk *1980* fame, the empiRe stRikes back, the blue laGoon, the blues bRotheRs, aiRplane, my bodyGuaRd, caddyshack, the final countdown (my dad's in it), xanadu *1981* caveman, little daRlinGs, escape fRom new yoRk, RaideRs of the lost aRk, stRipes *1982* poRky's, e.t. the extRa-teRRestRial, GRease 2, six pack, an officeR and a Gentleman, fast times at RidGemont hiGh, 48 houRs *1983* the outsideRs, bad boys, valley GiRl, RetuRn of the jedi, waR Games, vacation, Risky business, easy money, stRanGe bRew *1984* bReakin', sixteen candles, indiana jones and the temple of doom, beat stReet, GhostbusteRs, GRemlins, the kaRate kid, RevenGe of the neRds, puRple Rain, the teRminatoR, beveRly hills cop *1985* mischief, the bReakfast club, cocoon, Real Genius, back to the futuRe *1986* pRetty in pink, top Gun, feRRis beulleR's day off, back to school, cRocodile dundee *1987* lethal weapon, spaceballs, Robocop, noRth shoRe, the last empeRoR, wall stReet *1988* coloRs, cRocodile dundee 2, cominG to ameRica, die haRd, the naked Gun, twins *1989* lean on me, heatheRs, field of dReams, back to the futuRe II *1990* back to the futuRe III, die haRd 2 die haRdeR, Ghost, kindeRGaRten cop *1991* la femme nikkita, teRminatoR 2 judGement day, ReGaRdinG henRy, boyz n the hood *1992* ResevoiR doGs, aladdin *1993* fallinG down, point of no Return, Robin hood men in tiGhts, the joy luck club, a bRonx tale, cool RunninGs, Rudy *1994* ace ventuRa pet detective, the lion kinG, foRRest Gump, tRue lies, pulp fiction, the pRofessional, dumb and dumbeR *1995* die haRd with a venGence, the net, toy stoRy *1996* beautiful GiRls, bRoken aRRow, independence day, maRs attacks! *1997* men in black, conspiRacy theoRy *1998* half baked, the weddinG sinGeR, the tiGeR woods stoRy (i'm in it) *1999* office space, neveR been kissed *2000* final destination, 28 days, Gone in 60 seconds, almost famous (i'm in it) *2001* swoRdfish, zoolandeR, ocean's eleven *2002* panic Room, doGtown and z-boys, the tRanspoRteR *2003* betteR luck tomoRRow, s.w.a.t. *2004* man on fiRe, ocean's twelve *2005* batman beGins, weddinG cRasheRs, the 40 yeaR-old viRGin (i'm next) *2007* hitman, RuRal juRoR


*abc* extReme makeoveR home edition, lost, cavemen, caRpooleRs *aetv* doG the bounty hunteR *cbs* the pRice is RiGht, how i met youR motheR, the class, the biG banG theoRy, two and a half men, the new adventuRes of old chRistine, Rules of enGaGement, csi (las veGas, miami, new yoRk), ncis, the unit, cRiminal minds, cold case, without a tRace, moonliGht, numb3Rs *cmt* tRick my tRuck, ty muRRay's celebRity bull RidinG challenGe *comedy centRal* mind of mencia, secRet stash, the Roast of ___ *discoveRy* GReat bikeR build-off, how it's made, monsteR GaRaGe, mythbusteRs, stunt junkies, fiGHt quest, smash lab *food* unwRapped *fox* the simpsons, family Guy, ameRican dad, ameRican idol, 24 *G4* ninja waRRioR *histoRy* modeRn maRvels, human weapon *mtv* cRibs, date my mom, made, punk'd, pimp my Ride, Room RaideRs, tRue life, viva la bam, wildboys, yo momma *nbc* law and oRdeR (svu, ci), chuck, jouRneyman, bionic woman, life, my name is eaRl, the office, scRubs, 30 Rock, eR, jay leno, conan o'bRien, caRson daly, satuRday niGht live, deal oR no deal *spike* mxc, poweRblock, pRos vs. joes, the ultimate fiGhteR, ufc fiGht niGht *tlc* ameRican choppeR, la ink, miami ink, london ink, tattoo waRs, oveRhaulin', haRd shine *vh1* i love the *0s, bands Reunited, best week eveR


black mountain middle school yeaRbooks (1984-1986), mt. caRmel hiGh school yeaRbooks (1987-1990)


jesus chRist, jose Rizal, the beatles, bill Gates, tony Gwynn, pat tillman, my paRents

My Blog

006 - Reality tv staR

i'm all in!  look foR me on mtv, novembeR 20, 2005 on a show called "stacked."  not pamela andeRson's show on fox.  this one is about the pokeR Game texas hold 'em hosted by daniel...
Posted by likeke7 on Tue, 11 Oct 2005 06:45:00 PST

005 - stay classy san dieGo

soRRy ladies, this is my last week in san dieGo.  i'm finally moving the Rest of my cRap out to las veGas.  don't be too sad, you can still catch me aRound town til satuRday oR sunday, afteR...
Posted by likeke7 on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 09:36:00 PST

004 - woRld famous

they did it to me aGain!  i did a photo shoot a few yeaRs aGo and the photoGRapheR sold my imaGe without my knowledGe.  you miGht RecoGnize me fRom a 2003 stoRy on with the...
Posted by likeke7 on Mon, 22 Aug 2005 11:18:00 PST

003 - aGent a25836

i staRted a new paRt time job as a loan oRiGinatoR today foR national lendinG coRpoRation.  if you oR anyone you know is lookinG to buy a new house, Refinance an existinG moRtGaGe, oR consol...
Posted by likeke7 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

002 - younG GiRl

younG GiRl, Get out of my mindmy love foR you is way out of linebetteR Run, GiRl, you'Re much too younG, GiRlwith all the chaRms of a womanyou kept the secRet of youR youthyou led me to believe you'Re...
Posted by likeke7 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

001 - tRibal aRms

howzit?  i just Got back fRom hillcRest.  no, i wasn't in the Gay pRide paRade, not that theRe's anythinG wRonG with that.  i was at jade tattoo and pieRcinG wheRe i had RoRi keati...
Posted by likeke7 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST