Rachh♥! profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

♥THINGS I HATE♥ Liars, Cheaters, Creepers, Voicemails,Oranges, Milk, Steak, Roast Beef, Pork, MEATLOAF, Annoyingness, When people ask wayy too many questions, Clingyness, When people "forget" to call you back, Critisism, Stupid Girls, Reading books for school, Equations, Folding my laundry, Cleaning my own stuff, School, My car, Not having any food, Not having any Diet Coke, Awkwardness, Being Used, Broken cell phones, Bees, Wasps, Misquitos, Headaches, Papercuts, Snow, Cold, When boys wear pants that don't fit them well, When boys have ugly shoes, When people only want to hang out with you when they have absolutely nothing else to do, When people quit talking to you for no reason and then act like you never exsisted (you know who you are), The A.C.T, Tests and Quizes, Vocabulary books, Crumbs, When people laugh really loud, Bunions, Dr.Phill, When people call you a billion times in a row although you have caller i.d and you know that they f-ing called, Blue Cheese,... etc♥THINGS THAT I LIKE/LOVE♥ My friends,Feeling loved, Dogs, Cats, Lions, Tigers, Penquins, Bears, Sheep, Horses, Any animal EVER, Coheed and Cambria, Pink, Teal, Polos, Dark jeans, Flip Flops, Flordia, My friends, DIET COKE, Jimmy Nuetron, Fairly Odd Parents, Dr.90210, Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, Mall,ART, Music, Not being annoyed or frustrated, New clothes, Eating Sleeping, Text Messaging sometimes, Down pillows, Tanning, Vanilla, Cookies, Icecream cake, Wendy's Taco Bell,... etc

My Interests

My friends, DIET COKE, Concerts, Coheed, Good music, FOOD, Animals, Art, Sleeping, Drinking sometimes, Watching reality shows etc...

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COHEED AND CAMBRIA, Taking Back Sunday, Brazil, One Forth Awesome, Dredg, Colplay, DMB, Dashboard, Fall Out Boy, Panic At The Disco, Matchbook Romance, Motion City Soundtrack, Anti-Flag, Rainer Maria, The Early November


Wedding Crashers, Lord Of The Rings, Harry Potter, The Hills Have Eyes, Pocohantis :)....


LAGUNA BEACH, Real World, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy, Rocko's Modern Life, Ahh Real Monsters, Doug, Kenan and Kel, All That, Jimmy Neutron, Fairly Odd Parents, Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends



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MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebs - Collage - Morph...
Posted by Rachh♥! on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 01:13:00 PST