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Weep I cannot, but my heart bleeds....

About Me

"I start to get the feeling that something is really wrong. Like all the drugs put together...can no longer combat whatever it is that was wrong with me in the first place. I feel like a defective model, like I came off the assembly line flat-out fucked and my parents should have taken me back for repairs before the warranty ran out." -"Prozac Nation," Elizabeth Wurtzel
| View Show | Create Your Own"I believe in whatever gets you through the night. Night is the hardest time to be alive. For me, anyway. It lasts so long, and four AM knows all my secrets. Four AM is when my dreams die." -"Lost Souls," Poppy Z. Brite
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My Interests

I didn't get a chance to say goodbye To you, to tell you that I loved you, to say What now must be one long, unbroken cry Of pain, now that at last you've gone away. I cannot tell you what a joy it was To be the one to tend you in your need. The burden was a gift, for giving does Not burden one who loves, though loving bleed. I wish I could have been with you when you, Perhaps aware, perhaps not, turned towards death Alone, with no one there to wonder to, To share your fear, your hand, your one last breath. I wish, I wish, I wish . . . but it is done, And now I must surrender what is gone.Myspace For Girls Only -
| View Show | Create Your OwnPlease visit it this in honor of Darrin: t-in-peace-darren/There will come a day when your tears of sorrow will softly flow into tears of remembrance... and your heart will begin to heal itself... and grieving will be interrupted by episodes of joy... and you will hear the whisper of hope. There will come a day when you will welcome the tears of remembrance... as a sunshower of the soul... a turning of the tide... a promise of peace. There will come a day when you will... risk loving... go on believing... and treasure the tears of remembering.

I'd like to meet:

I just saw Pete Yorn at Bluberry Hill!!!! It was probably one of the best concerts I've ever seen! I was so close I could touch him!!!!311 was great! Even if you don't like their music you will love their show. So much energy!Imogen Heap was really amazing! Just saw her last night and I was blown away!


I love the Oprah book club! I also love "Kite Runner," any Toni Morrison books, "The Glass Castle," "She's Come Undone," "The Lovely Bones," "The World According to Garp," The Da Vinci Code," "Widow For One Year," "Night," "Native Son," and the list goes on. I love books so if anyone has good suggestions let me know please :)


Camping in honor of Darrin's memory
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My Blog

Time and healing

This is one of Gretchen's blogs but I absolutly loved it so I also want to post it just so other people can read it.   Time may have a lot to do with "healing all pain"; however, it has nothing t...
Posted by Simona on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 10:45:00 PST

grief and happiness

Lately, I have become very aware of the fact that I look at my life into two ways.  The first is my life before Darrin died and the second is my life after.  Why does everything have to be s...
Posted by Simona on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 11:32:00 PST

no more shots!

The madness has got to stop!  The shots keep flowing!  I remember when i would have a drink and a couple of shots and be I will drink water all night and lose count at about six ...
Posted by Simona on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 10:39:00 PST

thank you

I want to say thank you so much to everyone that has been there for me over the last few days!.  It has meant so much to me! There are times where i would not have made it without all of your lov...
Posted by Simona on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 11:58:00 PST


TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Simona Popovici Birthday: February 20, 1982 Birthplace: Hunedoara, Romania Current Location: St. Louis, Mo Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Dark Brown H...
Posted by Simona on Fri, 05 May 2006 12:11:00 PST