I'm Caryn!! I have lived in Saks all my life. I graduated from Saks High School in 1995. I married my wonderful husband, Jason, in April of 2004! I have the GREATEST, most WONDERFUL, JOY OF MY LIFE, 12yr old son, he is the sunshine in my day. I can't imagine my life without him. A day never goes by when he doesn't make me smile. I am so proud of him. He is in the 6th grade at Saks Middle School... I am so blessed to have him as my son! My husband and my son complete me and I am so blessed to have them.The three of us have also been very blessed to have an addition to our family. Jace Carter Waugh was born October 9, 2008. I am so thankful to have TWO wonderful sons! Now I am the mother of two and can't imagine it being any other way. We are now a family of four and loving every crazy minute of it! My family and I attend Hill Crest Baptist Church and love it! I graduated from Jacksonville State University with my Elementary Education degree in 2006. I also just graduated with my Master's Degree in Elementary Education in August 2008. I LOVE working with children!!! God has blessed me with the opportunity to teach 2nd grade at Saks Elementary. This is my second year there. I am SOOOO excited!! God has blessed my life in so many ways and continues to bless me each and everyday!! I love my family and thank God for them everyday! I am also very blessed to have so many wonderful friends... I love you ALL!!!!
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