Travel. Travel and travel. Mexico, Central and South America in particular. And international relationships. I think Colombianas, Peruvianas, Argentinas and Mexicanas are the most beautiful women in the world. Or maybe it is the Nicas or Ticas. Or Venezuela? So hard to decide.
Women who do like much older guys. Cualquieras que se entregan a viejitos.
Shakira, Paulina Rubio, Thalia and Jose Alfredo Jimenez. Cumbias, vallanatos, conjunto, rancheros, huapangos and mariachi.
Eréndira la Incocente, Amores Perros, Vover and so many others.
Casi nunca.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez rules!
Cindy at Eduards in Guadalajara. Carla in Lima...Tequila Rocks! Nancy in Barranquilla Colombia. Mya in Phoenix. Yelly from Venezuela. Emiliano Zapata.