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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Im the best friend you'll ever have. My name is rob. I am 30 years old and am from just outside philly. I work full-time and try to be a responsible adult during the week. On the weekends I like to go out with the guys and party like a rock star. I have great friends...they are my motivation! I consider myself one of a kind in many ways. I'm sure that many guys say that, but I truly believe it. I am an easygoing person, who is always up for meeting new people. I can pretty much get along with anyone. I am not on here looking for love or anything like that because I already have it not anymore...just really use this to talk to friends. I expect a lot from people. I think very highly of myself and I am as real as I can be and I expect the same in return from other people. I think that is why I am always easily disappointed...too many fake people out there, especially girls. I am not bitter, just speaking from my experiences. Please don't tell me something and then not follow through. Talk is cheap! Basically, just treat me with the respect that I deserve and you will get the same in return. Sometimes that seems too much to ask though!

Stuff for your blog!

Myspace Codes

MyspaceDaddy.com - Myspace Codes

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My future exwife.... ..I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!


My Blog

Valentines day

F Valentines day. Valentines day is corporate marketing "holiday" that encourages the sale of high price chocolate, expensive dinners in packed restaurants, and flowers that cost twice as mu...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 12:48:00 GMT