PROFANATION used to be called BEHEADED and started way back in 1990 right after AMAN left PROFANCER (death metal). It was a very painful decision as he was in love with that band very much sinced it's formation way back in 1985/86. BEHEADED recorded one demo tape in 1991 simply called NASRANI with original line-up consist of BOB AZIZI (now in DAMOKIS), AZNI, SHAM (ex-BELIAL) and myself, AMAN. The demo tape was recorded at MUSICIAN ENTERPRISE Studio and it was kind of DARK/DEATH/DOOM much influence from old gods namely HELLHAMMER, CELTIC FROST, MY DYING BRIDES and some old SWEDISH death bands namely NIHILIST, UNLEASHED., CREMATORY and etc. BEHEADED never plays any shows which was agreed upon at that time, to remain obscure forever. The line-up failed to maintain its stability and everyone wanted to go on each way after several months the demo released. AMAN kept the name and carry-on to search for dedicated members. Stressed with limited true underground death metal musicians, he finally scouted to good fiends namely HANAEL (Kelamus) and URIEL (Sammael) both from local band called AS-SAHAR to fulfill his dark BLACK DEATH METAL desires. It came to a point that he cannot use the BEHEADED name anymore to suits the new musick which is much sextreme then the predecessor and so another sorrowful decision to change the band's name again. It was from INCANTATION (USA) demo song that the band's new name founded. And so PROFANATION was the chosen one. KELAMUS and SAMMAEL put in loads of effort to make PROFANATION songs as extreme as they can be. With the help also from Barchiel (AS-SAHAR) for the lyrics and such, the demo was finally recorded again at MUSICIAN ENTERPRISE studio (RIP) in 1994 and release the same year. With a limited budget of SGD600.00 excluding tapes we managed to unleashed the sextremity. The demo tape was spread among friends locally and overseas. It did sold quite number of tapes worldwide without the help from distributors. It was well recieved with decent and good reviews in some famous old underground magazines. Several small labels offered was turned down due to tight financial. Right after the demo released, PROFANATION was invited to play in THE GATHERING festival with several Malaysian bands in IPOH, MALAYSIA but the offered was turned down too. In the end, AMAN made a trip up to the above said show and performed some numbers with some old friends after much request from the organizer. PROFANATION was laid to rest not sleep eternally after KELAMUS and SAMMAEL resumed with AS-SAHAR again. Y2K5, PROFANATION was re-baptized with unholy water to seek and destroy the trends!!
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