Befriending non-assholes. Camping,camp cooking, walking anywhere, laughing, analyzing everything, shit talking, making things, craft day, others with like minds and humor, trampling, those who have a way with words, fancy people and photo shoots.
Fellow burnouts who know a thing or two about mah jong. The friendly kind that don't mess with your head.
Built to Spill,Doug Martsch, Halo Benders, Pavement,Silver Jews,Sebadoh, Guided by Voices,Critters Buggin,Afghan Whigs, Team Dresch, Hazel, White Stripes, Elliot Smith, Ween, Strokes, Magnetic Fields, Pink Floyd, Neil Diamond, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Marty Robbins, Oldies,Tom Waits, Critters Buggin, The landing party, Prince,Barry White, Dusty Springfield,Yolanda and the Starlites,Albedo,Flaming Lips, The Make Up, Turbonegro, Toto, ABBA, etc.
Documentaries about anything and nothing The Devil and Daniel Johnston
Seinfeld, Six feet under, sex and the city,ANTM, Extras, Office (both), So you think you can dance, and other total crap
Judy Blume, Roald Dahl, David Sedaris, Amy Sedaris, W. Somerset Maugham, The world according to Garp, A Confederacy of Dunces, The Martian Chronicles,
inventors and those whom can take care of themselves without constant help from mommy and daddy, or handouts. Stephen Merchant and Ricky Gervais.