MyArtists |
Hola, como estan mis lindos lokallas e imillas? How are you? Ya es bastante tiempo desde la ultima vez que le hable no? Yes, it's been a long time. Bueno, for about a month now, un... Posted by on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 10:59:00 GMT |
Sin Decir |
He marchado dos cerros, he marchado tu amor.Cuantas cosas ganadas, cuanto duele el adios..En el reflejo de tu ser, pseudo real...luz ...
Y ahora el adios..iminente..tarde.. pero sin decir.Y a quien se... Posted by on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 19:54:00 GMT |
May 1rst |
Habeeer! jajajay Como estan my children? There are so many things that trouble our Bolivia today, que algunas veces me olvido que many of my imillitas y mis lokallitas live in other parts ... Posted by on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 18:09:00 GMT |
Bueno bueno..Se supone que yo no hago esto..I don't usually do this but me han tagged..VICTOOOR me las vas a pagar lokalla travieso!!!
I'm supposed to write 6 random things about myse... Posted by on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 22:07:00 GMT |
Carnavales |
Hello my lokallas and Imillas, Jallalla El Carnaval!The great festivities are at their zenith, like every year..we all become ONE in celebration. Waay, I remember my childhod in Orinaca celebrating wi... Posted by on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 11:26:00 GMT |
My Little Boots |
Haay, hayy, just had a night full of incidents in this the Great CHuquiago Marka, companeros. Chuflaaay , I drank so much of it that la cabezaa achichuuy me esta dishendo. It hurts to even look out th... Posted by on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 10:10:00 GMT |
St. Valentine's, Hugo and angelito Sebastian |
Hallooo, everyone..This is la Dama speaking again..While going through my daily mail, in my office..(for some reazon my brother , Evo, gave me the basement..I don't understand why) I got something fro... Posted by on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 06:13:00 GMT |
The Fruit Of My Looms |
Helloo my dearest supporters, mi gente. As the first indigenous "First Lady" I want to thank you all for still being there for me.Jajay! "La Dama" is an honor that I could have never fathomed. Como sa... Posted by on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 21:18:00 GMT |
Evo, Ramos y mis Panties |
Hellooo, mamanakas, and distinguished tatanakas..ladies and gentlemen..Yaaa? English estoy speeaking ..As I know aymara, our mother tongue, already, I enrolled in la escuela Tupac Mamani Inc. de ingle... Posted by on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 10:08:00 GMT |
Wayayay, sigue la party! |
My gente, my llamas and demasComo estan shempre?! I'm still celebrando my brother's coronation as our new leader..Shempre mey emborracado. Hugo and I had chichaaa , you just can't imagine.Le estaba es... Posted by on Tue, 24 Jan 2006 13:45:00 GMT |