Movies, video games, music, Star Wars, comic books. I draw alot, I read, and I like to play dress-up. Oh, and I LOVE, not like, LOVE to dance. Oh yeah, and of course I love Manamana. R.I.P. Crocodile Hunter, you have become more powerful than we could possibly imagine.
Fake people? Then Spider-man. Real people? Then probably someone cool who would be fun to go get a beer with, like Burt Reynolds... ahh the Reynolds...
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Mostly what I listen to is classic rock in most of its incarnations. Jethro Tull, Led Zeppelin, AC-DC, with way too many more too list. I don't care what people say, Michael Jackson used to RULE. I like some old hip-hop, you know, stuff from the "Run's house", dynasty... as far as new music goes, most of it is crap. New rock? Crap. Pop punk? Crap. Rap? Crap. Pop? Crap. The only band to come along in the last ten years that i actually like enough to go out of my way to get all the albums for is The White Stripes. They really jam for only 2 people, especially since the drumming is about as basic as a down syndrome kid with a bongo. The one thing I will give some new music, is that alot of it is wicked sweet to dance to.
Way to many too list.... if it's a good movie, I like it. I can be pretty particular, but if I went into it here, it could be my bloody doctorate paper.
Lots of TV, not to big on the reality for the most part, with a few exceptions, like Beauty and the Geek. Just recently discovered the greatest show that never made it, Firefly. I like lots of old cartoons, especially the Looney Tunes, and the old Max Fliescher Superman cartoons.
The Lord of the Rings. Jurassic Park. Starship Troopers. Harry Potter 1-6. Many more but that's what comes to mind.
Spider-man, cause he does whatever a spider can, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, cause he was pimp enough to die, and STILL be in the rest of the movies. Oh and Bruce Campbell, who is in every way the kind of actor I want to be.Your results:
You are Superman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
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