Dan profile picture


Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. (Albert Einstein)

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4The re-write of a re-write of a re-write. Lets see i was born on april fools day 1980 so unlike many i got to experience different color shoe laces, hot pink, and rat tails. ha ha It seems im finally beginning to realize im not a kid anymore though my friend Faith assures me that noone tried harder to "not grow up" then me. I kicked and screamed the whole way into adulthood. By looking at my site you would swear i am imature but that is just not true, rather i still remember what its like to have fun. Many people idea of fun changed as they grew up from kickball to grinding against each other in a club. Or from nintendo to small gatherings at the bar where we discuss recent events. ho hum that is fucking boring! ha ha I guess even as i have realized what i want in this world i also realize what i dont want and thats to become what this society wants me to become. Fre-aking-bor-ing. Now thats all opinions of course im sure some would think that trying to beat mario bros for nintendo as fast as i can is boring..ha ha..or playing halo 2 on xbox live was boring...or drawing ..hell the other day at 26 i went sledding and snowboarding..ha ha. My neighbor asked as i walked down the street just what the hell i was doing. I replied that i had been stuck inside playing video games and drinking beer all winter and i needed to do SOMETHING! I had a good time too...thats just it people. Perhaps our biggest problems in life with obesity and stress is that we dont play kickball anymore, we dont go sledding and walk that hill 100 times and have to rest at the top. I know i have had waaay too much fun and thats why i have little to show for the hard work i do put forth other then experience and memories and i need to change that about myself. But if everyone else could put a little time aside for fun maybe you'd all stop being such...well...assholes!..ha ha ha.
Currently i have been accepted to Cazenovia College but my loan was denied so i took a class and realized that my love for art is still very much alive within me and im damn good at it. It was the kick in the ass to help me realize not only my goal but that i still had one. Im taking another semester off because i need money and then im gonna try and be a student again. I am a terrible student but i think im a pretty godd artist.

My Interests

How cool is this i found it on ebay. The official shirt and hat and guide to the 1990 Nintendo World Championship. I need this or i will die. Unfortunately i cant see spending 300 dollars on this.....because i dont have 300 dollars..lol

http://www.bungie.net/Stats/PlayerStats.aspx?player=Killstar 98

I'd like to meet:

quotes i want to remember:"I don't know myself what that's good for. But I do it. Because I know that is how it was and not different."- Otto Dix"words do their job, what im trying to do is so much more"- Andy Goldsworthy


NoFX, Bad Religion, Rancid, The Deadmilkmen, Flogging Molly, Offsprings old music, I listen to alot of music but i like punk. On myspace i found bands i like called N.O.K., The Apology, AHTM, Zip tie handcuffs, Gutter sluts, and a few others...but if i had to say the best i might as well kiss NRL's ass. Since ..y'know ..they kick it and all.
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bah..too many to list. All i do is watch movies.


Adult Swim and the History Channel......with the occasional Comedy Centrel.


gotta few, read a few. I like the paper. New York Post


heroes..hmm...Albert Einstien, Leonardo Davinci, Atilla the Hun, and Yoda

My Blog

A random conversation with my sister..that is like every other conversation.

Chrissy my sister: y'know you gonna have to change your quote if you wanna meet girls me: i like my quote Chrissy: well you might as well say im unsuccesful me: thats not what i mean, i mean i want su...
Posted by Dan on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 12:16:00 PST

Girls of myspace

First of all id like to say im very upset caffienated is not a choice for mood.  Moving on im browsing myspace for possible ms rights and it has occured to me that for reasons unknown i seem to o...
Posted by Dan on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 12:19:00 PST

Crash bang!

So i wrecked my lovely blazer and my brother and i almost died!  My own stupidity.  I stopped at a 4way at a red light.  I was talking to him and for some reason unknown to anyone with ...
Posted by Dan on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 10:26:00 PST