As you know, Layne's talent was cut short when he was found dead in his apartment on April 20, 2002. He and the guys from Alice in Chains have been a huge inspiration for many musicians over the years. Layne's passing inspired us to create the Layne Staley Tribute show by the name of Def Rowe.
Def Rowe was the idea of two Houston bands, Deafening ( and Rowe (, who have the upmost respect for each other and share Alice in Chains as an influence. Members of Cerebro ( and Deadbolt Zen ( have joined in the cause and will be performing this year.
The purpose of the show is for us to gather with long-time friends and other fans of Alice in Chains you might recognize in celebration of the music Layne left us. This year we will be performing a one to two hour acoustic set of Alice In Chains and Mad Season songs in memory of Layne Staley at Westheimer Pub in Houston, TX on April 30th, 2009. Bring your lighters and AIC t-shirts! Also performing acoustic sets will be Deafening and Rowe.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !