My name is Ashley.... i'm pretty tall... i like to be a wierdo and have an awesome time, all the time... i'm pretty easy to make fun of, so if you feel it's necessary then do it! i don't care ;) cooking with nicole is the best! i think private poriles are stupid... M t . D e w and T a c o B e l l (Taco Taco)... I'm a lifeguard/manager, and a swim coach at C.B. and YPAC... if you don't know how to swim then i can teach you because people drowning is bad! If you are nice, then you can come and swim at my pool whenever you want... I'll let you in for free :)...
I love...
swimming... the color black... the ocean... looking at the stars.... thrift stores... vintage shops... surf magazines... driving slow (actually the speed limit, but that is slow for most people)... STEVE... being outside on beautiful days... inexpensive clothes... flowers... GOD... foooooood... nice people... making my own clothes... going on vacation and doing nothing... NICOLE... rainy days... being a goof.... M T . D E W ... high heels (but they make me really really tall like 6'5)... knitting is wonderful you should try it...
doing the lawnmower and other silly dance moves... HUGE sunglasses... crazy/big hair...I LOVE anything that has to do with water...
**all of my blogs have pictures in them!! actually they have most of my good pictures in them so check it out :)**
thanks for taking the time to read/look at my profile :)