Allie profile picture


As foretold by Nostradamus

About Me

I recently got my graduate degree in School Psychology, which I plan to put to good use just as soon as the army lets us stay in one place for more than six months. Until then I am enjoying spending time with my husband who just home from Iraq. We are moving to Fort Huachuca, Arizona in February so we're making the most of our last few months in Europe - we just got back from Malta!

My Interests

New England, especially Boston, Maine, Nantucket and the beaches of Rhode Island. Road trips. Board games. Teasing my hair. Wine. European spas. Planning our future. Singing 80s hair metal into the mirror. Mermaids. Trivia that involves state capitals.


Guns N' Roses. Bon Jovi. Poison. Journey. Iron Maiden. Cinderella. Billy Idol. Pearl Jam. Def Leppard.


Saved! Neverending Story. Transamerica. Clue. Detroit Rock City.


Family Guy/American Dad. 24. Intervention. Sopranos. Desperate Housewives. Six Feet Under. Big Love.


Dave Eggers. David Sedaris. Zadie Smith. Jon Krakauer. John Irving.


CPT Jay is my hero. I am also a fan of Axl Rose, even when he gets in fist fights with Tommy Hilfiger.

My Blog

I Do

Jason and I were married this weekend on Nantucket. It was a beautiful, emotional day - everything we had hoped for. Between my family, my friends and my wonderful new husband, I have never felt so lo...
Posted by Alexandra on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 03:44:00 PST


Because the army gives off four full days on nearly every holiday you can think of, Jay and I took advantage of the cheap flights on Ryanair and spent the weekend in Dublin. We had a fabulous time, Ir...
Posted by Alexandra on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:19:00 PST


Yes, I know my background is cheesy. Shut up.   ps -  If you think mine is bad, check out my sister's
Posted by Alexandra on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 02:05:00 PST


What does it say about me that I heard about seven of my favorite songs last night at a karaoke bar?
Posted by Alexandra on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 02:06:00 PST


If I had a half-birthday, it would fall sometime between today and tomorrow. But I've never known that joy. Sigh.
Posted by Alexandra on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 08:01:00 PST

Health Watch

I have been bitten by three ticks in as many days. The teeny deer ticks that cause Lyme disease. Now I have to monitor each bite for like a month to see if a ring forms around it. Of course, I could s...
Posted by Alexandra on Sun, 21 May 2006 06:21:00 PST


I graduate from grad school today. It's a bit anticlimatic because I still have 7 weeks left at my internship. These three years really did go fast though. It's going to be really strange not to call ...
Posted by Alexandra on Sat, 06 May 2006 05:20:00 PST

The Donut of Misery

If you're not a military wife, you probably don't know what a Donut of Misery is. It's an Excel program that calculates the stats of your husband's deployment. Today was a big day for my donut. We hit...
Posted by Alexandra on Mon, 01 May 2006 01:47:00 PST


I realized this maybe a week ago..I love the color yellow! It makes me happy. It is now officially tied with red as my favorite color.
Posted by Alexandra on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 12:30:00 PST


Grade retention ( aka "holding kids back") DOES NOT WORK. It is like the worst thing you can do for a kid. Why do people refuse to listen to the research? This is paraphrased from an article I read, w...
Posted by Alexandra on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 09:33:00 PST