Dirt bikes, Cars, Big trucks, Going fast, socom, and just about everything in one way or another!
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Metallica, NIN, Black Label Society, Sevendust, Perfect Circle, Pantera, Slayer, Godsmack, Megadeath, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath I have an eclectic taste in music. I like alot of different kinds of music. But I prefer the listed groups!
Seven, War of the Worlds, Matrix Trilogy, Donnie Darko, Terminator 2, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The Punisher, The Bourne Indentity and Supremacy, Teminator 2, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Half Baked, Austin Powers Trilogy, Napolean Dynamite, Super Troopers, any of the Krusteaz movies, Bum Fights!
Law and Order, CSI (the original), Motocross, American Chopper,South Park
Bum Fights......Bling Bling
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BLS - Stillborn
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