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I am here for Friends

About Me

Bio - Im 27, female, and live in Norfolk. I have two jobs: at night, Im on the tech crew at a leisure resort where I point a big light at people on a stage. During the day I work as an assistant veterinary nurse at a large vet practise.
I do a lot of art work in my spare time, which is all eventually dumped at my website: www.shadowrat.com
Personality - Prone to depression and mood swings, unhealthily hate filled and angry, introverted, manic, utterly unable to tolerate boredom, reclusive, paranoid and somewhat judgemental. On the plus side, Im pretty fucking loyal, have a good sense of humor, am passionate and actually get off my arse and DO things about the issues that bother me, and Im honest.....almost to a fault.
Pets - I run Norfolks only rat specific rescue center where I take in unwanted or abused rats. In most cases, they remain here for life, but some will be rehomed on to people who fit my very precise requirements. My rats are my life, and I wouldn't want to be without them. I also own a cat, Basil, and a hamster, Hamilton.
Hobbies - Mainly art, I churn out a new piece about once a fortnight on average, with each one taking something like 8 hours or more. I also write, both rat information articles and novels, and I compose ludicrous songs. I play guitar, piano and bass, but Im not as good at any of them as I should be because Im lazy and don't practise enough. I can also sing, and hope to get back into gigging soon.
Religion - Unspecific. I do believe in a higher power, but my beliefs are more akin to pagan or native american shamanic beliefs. I believe nature itself is spiritual, I believe in souls and reincarnation. Im fairly sure I also believe in a 'heaven' of sorts, but that could simply be wishful thinking.
Morals - Animal welfare is paramount, everything else comes second. Note, I am NOT into animal rights, only animal welfare, the two are very different.
My opinion is basically that I don't care what you do as long as you don't unecessarily harm another living being while doing it. Your actions might make you a cock, but as long as you aren't dragging another living being into your stupidity, then have at it.
Its nothing to do with anyone else on this earth what you want to put into your body, smoke, eat, or do with your free time as long as you're not harming them in the process. Everyone in the world needs to stop interferring with everyone else. Health and safety is killing entertainment and soon we'll just sit in bubbles all day staring out of the window. Better to live one day as a tiger than a lifetime as a worm, and all that rot.
Hate hate hate - Preachy fuckers who stick their noses into things that have nothing to do with them, anti-pot propaganda, animal modification (tail docking, ear cropping, declawing, debarking etc), do-gooders who mask a desire to rule the world under the facade of 'we're just doing what is best for others', the nanny state, the very idea that a complete stranger knows what is best for me more than I do, the fact that I am not allowed to do certain things because there are SOME people out there who are too stupid to be responsible for themselves and make it so the rest of us have to suffer, the phrase 'its just an animal'.....yeah, and you're JUST a human, and this is JUST a baby; your point? Human beings are simply another animal species, no better, more often worse, than any other.
Love love love - My family, my friends, Jerry Springer, Stephen Fry, M.T, Gordon Ramsay, Marco Pierre White and Jigsaw. I hope to one day become a wonderful melting pot of all of them.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Be cool, be reasonable, have at least some degree of brain in your head. Is it that difficult? Never, ever lie to me. Im serious. Honesty is one of the most important things to me, because Im generally pretty insecure and I have to know where I stand with someone if you ever expect me to open up to you. If you plan to bullshit me and treat me like Im too stupid to realise or ever find out, then just fuck off.
I like people who have integrity, people who are genuine, people who say what they genuinely think, people who are true to who they are and what they believe. I can't tolerate people who refuse to respect either themselves or other people. I can't stand cowards, weasels, back stabbers, fakers or anyone who is going to disrespect me or those I love. Just have half a ball, have some integrity, have some loyalty and we'll get on great.

Be passionate about the things you love, be even more passionate about the things you hate. Say what you think, not what you think you should. Never apologise for loving someone. Spend time studying yourself and figuring out who you really are, but don't forget to study everyone else too. Test them. Be an artist, a visionary, an engineer and a genius.

My Blog


Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 09:27:00 GMT

Today's update on rats, 16/07/06

Last night, Josh took a turn for the worst.He began gasping and panicking again, and his feet lost colour again.He wouldn't take any water or food, and just lay there all floppy and lethargic, couldn'...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 07:21:00 GMT

Virus in my rat group, today's progress

So far, Juju is the only rat I've lost. Im still not very hopeful for either Josh or Olly, but so far all the others seem relatively unaffected. They all obviously have it, as they've been sneezing a...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 22:50:00 GMT


Ok, what the fuck do I have to do to get it through to people that I do not accept friend requests here? I've put it in my profile in the long way, I've shortened it down incase people just couldn't b...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 06:19:00 GMT

Friend list pruning

I've 'pruned' a few people from my friends list recently. The reason being mainly that Im not really into having people on my list for the sake of it, y'know? Nothing against it if thats what other p...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Mar 2005 09:35:00 GMT

Gabriel is ill

My little platinum rex rat, Gabriel, is ill. He has what is presenting itself as vestibular syndrome, which I've never seen a rat of his age live through. Even younger rats have a hard time coming th...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Feb 2005 12:24:00 GMT

Jack died

Jack died last week. He died in my arms, of old age I guess. I've given myself a while to think it through and it's only sad because I'll never see him again. He had a good life, the best that I was a...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Feb 2005 16:34:00 GMT

Entry One

Not likely to be much blog, all my whining, bitching and overly dramatic attention seeking needs are mostly covered by my LiveJournal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/sicpuppy
Posted by on Thu, 06 Jan 2005 09:55:00 GMT