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My name is Amanda. I'm totally in love with my Rob...I have a 7 yr old son Tyler. He is my little gift from God. I couldn't of asked for anything different I love my little man to death. Hopefully one of these days I can give Rob a little angel of his own..SOON LOL...I recently met my soulmate that I wish I could of met years ago. We enjoy each others company and love doing the same things. He fills my heart with so much love and always lets me know that I'm on his mind and that he loves and adores me... I work for Children's International Medical Group...I love my job, I'm a kid at heart and I also love to make the little kiddies feel better. Even if it does mean a shot or two. Sorry little ones....I would have to say I'm both a tom-boy an a girly-girl when I need to be depending on the activity of the day. I love to play pool, go 4wheeling, hunting, fishing, boating, mudding, certionly CABBAGE BALL ON FRIDAY NIGHT!!!!! and playing any sport as long as the boys don't wine when the girls win.
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