dressing up
human rights
old movies
Condaleezza Rice, Bill O'Reilly, Niccolo Machiavelli, Apostle Paul, Martin Luther, C.S. Lewis, Albert Einstein.
Death Cab
Imogen Heap
Joshua Radin
Rascal Flatts
Sufjan Stevens
The Prestige
Pride and Prejudice
Roman Holiday
You've Got Mail
Grey's Anatomy
The Gospel
Mere Christianity
More than a Carpenter
Pride and Prejudice
Redeeming Love
Jesus- Because He saved my life and is so good to me each and every day, even when I'm not good to Him.
My grandparents- Because they exemplify true love.
My parents- Because they show me how to live a life of integrity--even if I don't always follow their direction, they do know best.
Condaleezza Rice- Because one day I want to be as smart as she is.
Martin Luther- Because he had the courage to change the face of Christianity.
Molly Elizabeth McIndoe- Because she is my best friend, and knows me in and out. She stops me from making messes and helps to do the right thing, even when I really don't want to.
Chelsea Moser- Because she shows grace and strength in really, really tough, terrible situations, and she reminds me to be a better person. When we're old, I want her for my psychologist.
Jayme Cloninger- Because she is one of my bestest friends and a wonderful debate partner. She drives me to be closer to Jesus, and to work harder on my academics. Plus, we just generally have a blast and laugh a ton whenever we get together.
Leslie Nelson- Because she is way smarter and way more mature than anyone since, ever. If I were to ever have a little sister closer to my age, it would be her. Because we're just really similar people.