Vickeh profile picture


i feel like being brave today~ whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly~

About Me

w0rd up. My name is Big-V, and I hate MySpace. (Livejournal owns you.)
Just graduated from Los Fresnos High School, and I'm now going to Tarleton State University in Stephenville, TX. woooooo~ Go Texans!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been surfing since I was about 7 down in good old South Texas, so I'm pretty much like, pro surfer material. And have been on the Schlitterbahn surf team for 3 or 4 years.. (i dunt remember anymore)
I was on the high school's swimming and diving team for four years. Speciallized in 1M diving, sprinting, and was pretty damn good as the breaststroke. So yea, you don't wanna have to race against me cause I'd so take you out.
I've been into the whole 'anime and manga' thing since I was in middle school or so. I don't like that yaoi/yuri crap. Freakin' gay shitz.
I'm one of them 'girl gamers' that you run across every once in a while. Been playing FFXI for over three months now, and RDM owns your ass. Ifrit server is the only world worth anything. Everyone else just go and... not be there anymore. The name's Flairice. Wave if ya see me around or something.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Important Links for you to Know
Stuff for you to visit and stuff that is relevant to understanding my rants.
My LiveJournal
My DeviantArt Portfolio
Gaia Online
Anime News Network
My YouTube Profile
Killing Ifrit

My Interests

-swimming n diving-
-video games-
-Dance Dance Revolution-
-Gaia Online-
-Sonic the Hedgehog-
-Jak and Daxter-
-mexican food-
-fish n shrimp-

I'd like to meet:

Goku. Someone who can die and come back to life that many times must have some kind of good advice to give...


-Red Hot Chili Peppers-
-Sum 41-
-The Police-
-Spin Doctors-
-Led Zepplin-
-Sugar Ray-
-ZZ Top-
-Foo Fighters-
-Tom Petty-
-Blink 182-
-Green Day-
-The Doors-
-Sean Paul-
-Gwen Stephani-
-No Doubt-
-The B-52s-

And alot of other random crap. =D Like techno, jrock, and video game music~


I don't really watch too many movies...


-Cartoon Network-
-Mind of Mencia-
-Larry the Cable Guy-
-Jeff Foxworthy-
-err... just Comedy Central in general-

And MTV sucks.


-Manga (the non-yaoi kind)-
-Surf mags-
-Fantasy (haven't read an actual book in over 3 years...)-
-and college textbooks!-

My Blog

a-z or something like that

A - AVAILABLE: I guess. B - BIRTHDAY: Dec. 31 C - CRUSHING: If that's what you want to call it then sure, but i'm not sure if that's quite the word to describe it... D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD:  ...
Posted by Vickeh on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 07:55:00 PST

new year? all right!

I confess that in 2006 I...(x) stayed single for the whole year( ) got your first kiss..haha( ) kissed someone new( ) made-out for the first time( ) made-out in/on a car( ) kissed in the snow( ) kisse...
Posted by Vickeh on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 09:50:00 PST

all these things that i've done

1) Spell your name using friends.V- VictoriaI- C- CoreyT- TylerO-R-I- I give up.A- Abbey >.> I have a hard name to do this with.. 2) Have you ever had a song written about you? Don't think so. 3) Wh...
Posted by Vickeh on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 08:36:00 PST

i want snow~

69 Questions to Start the Winter..... 1. Are you in a relationship?? No~ 2. If no, would you like to be.Erm.. I don't know? 3. How often do you visit MySpace?Myspace sucks. 4. What is your favorit...
Posted by Vickeh on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 05:14:00 PST


10 F A V O R I T E S Flower: Hibiscus Movie: Happy Gilmore Color: *shrugs* They're all good. Sport to play: Surfing Sport to watch: Surfing ^_^ Store: *advertisement* On the Beach Music: Rock..ish I'...
Posted by Vickeh on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:41:00 PST

My Soundtrack =)

Your Life: The Soundtrack[Opening credits:] Paddle Out - Sublime[Waking up:] What Happened - Sublime[Average day:] Surf Wax America - Weezer[First date:] First Date - Blink 182[Falling in love:] Every...
Posted by Vickeh on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 04:52:00 PST


ONE. Spell your name without vowels.vctr mck TW0. Are you single? jah THREE Whats your favorite number? ? F0UR Whats your favorite color? all of 'em FIVE. when's the next time you see your boyfrie...
Posted by Vickeh on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 10:46:00 PST

get ur done

1. 4th grade teacher's name:Mrs. Stout 2. Last words you said to dad:Mkay dad. Mkay... Love you dad. Mkay dad... Alright.. Love you dad. Okay... Alright dad... Love you.. Okay... bye... 3. Last song...
Posted by Vickeh on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 09:32:00 PST

shitz here.

Appearance: I'm short: False I have many scars: True.. I tan easily: True I burn easily: False I wish my hair was a different color: False I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color: Fal...
Posted by Vickeh on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 09:11:00 PST


1) Single, Taken, or Crushing?o.o All of the above o.- except for the middle one 2) Are you happy with where you are? I suppose so... I miss home and all, but it's not too bad here I guess... 3) Wh...
Posted by Vickeh on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 08:42:00 PST