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EXTENDED NETWORK BANNERS + MYSPACE LAYOUTS Layout Provided By FreeCodeSource.com - Myspace Layouts
What if your full name? EvanHarold
When is your birthday? March 12, 1985
Where were you born? hmm... i gEs at a hOspiTaL
Have any siblings? name/age nOne.. tHaT i kNow oF???
What kind of shampoo do you use? gArNieR frUctiS
What color is your room? bLuE
What is your moms name? HeLenA
Who is your best friend? hmm.. Liz, diAne, yZheL, gOri, dRin, elmo
Finish the sentence...
I would like to mEet mY n0. 1
Will you please quit aSkinG me tHeSe qUestionS??
Why do you always wh!ne whEn U gEt s0metHing 4 frEE..
To tell the truth ! uSed t0 sMokE.. buT p!p0L chAngE.. ! d!d
Sometimes I wanna jUz -...f@(|<...- fOr nO r!sOn...
Answer truthfully
How often do you brush your teeth? aFtEr evEry mEaL
What are you wearing? mY uNifOrm
What is your current hairstyle? mEdiUm tApEred by 1 -military cut-
Current mood? st!ll bReaTh!nG
Who is the last person you hugged? cHr!st!e
Who is your worst enemy? mYseLf
Where is your computer located in your house? oN mY r00M, oN top oF mY deSk
Where do you usually go to the mall.. when you go? f00t LocKeR
What is your worst fear? dYinG w!d rEgrEts
Who do you love? evErYboDy thAt loves mE bAck.. tHey kn0w wh0 thEy aRe
have any pets? i hAv a nEmo f0r n0w..lol! s!ncE we're n0t all0wEd t0 hAve peTs !nside d bEq
What is your 3rd pd class? n/a
Where do you go after school? sum1s haUz & gEt fUckEd up
What do you do on the weekends? wAkE up LatE...hehe prEttY mucH aNytHing jUz t0 paSs t!mE
When is the last time you went to the beach? cNt eVen rEmeMbeR
What is your fav drink? mOnsTer.. aLcOhoLw!se.. pAtr0n s!lver (tEquiLLa)
Fav food? mY m0m's c00kinG
color? bLuE,bLaCk&wh!tE
movie? to mAny tO sAy.. !m a M0v!e jUnk!e
Tv show? espn, mtv, bet
animal? d0gS, ex0t!c an!maLs
number? 12
letter? f/u/c/k.. juz k!ddin!
book? tUeSday's wiTh moRRie & 5 p!poL U meet !n heAven
car? n!SSan sKyLinE GT-R 4, maZdA rx-8
place to visit? evEry f0rEign cOuntRy (Amsterdam!!)
teacher? mrS. h!LL -shE's mah mama-
Who is your "item" at moment? th!s sUckS! n0b0dy r!ghT n0w.. w0uLd U l!ke to??
What is your fav love song? i'll be by Edwin McCain
Fav romantic movie? a waLk t0 rEmemBer
wildest.. aLdr!n
sweetest.. d!ane
most trustworthy.. Liz
What do you want people to know about you? i jUz tUrNed 21
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