I love hip-hop and my little man! Goin' out 4 drinks and vibin' to sum good music! Sports... Pick-up games(whatever I'm game)
People that like to have a good time where eva they goMy childhood sports idols Bo Jackson, Reggie Miller! a numberous of my favorite artists : Pitbull, Em, T.I., Pac (1day when I reach those gates), Sean Paul, too manyBo Jackson
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Mostly Rap and Reggae with a little bit of everythig else(except techno)
Comedy and Horror (laugh now, die later) Dave(miss ya),Carlos +others... Freddy-Jason-Michael +others...
Mind of Mencia, MTV, WWE, Smallville(Kristen Kreuk),Supernatural, Football, and sports...........
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Nah....magazines (XXL, MAXIM, KING, Men's Health)
Parents doing there damn thing!!!