POWER!!! All types of automobiles, firearms, boats, hunting/fishing, the great outdoors and now added to the list... motorcyles. Thank you RYAN HEUTHER for giving me something else to spend money on that I should be saving for retirement. LMAO! I also have a great deal of interest in art... I put together the picture in the background of this page, modern art and photography are my favorites (check out some of my photos); go to www.xposedphotography.net
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catch up with college buds, old friends, and the current folks that have to deal with me on a daily basis.
I love all kinds of music but I like alternative rock the most. Growing up in the grundge years can do that to you!
It has to have action or be really funny. I love shoot-em-ups and of course the typical car chase. I'm a sucker for epic films such as 300 and Troy.
Do not care for TV...if I have to pick a show it would be HOUSE because the human body is interesting and the main character is a rediculous ass yet everyone loves him.
My family for teaching me, my wife who is always there for me and makes me smile even on the worse of days.