i live for concerts i go to at least one a week , mostly local bands(which are the best by the way) . i love music basically all types i'm not too picky as long as you can understand what they are saying i'm good. i ride horses for fun and i love to hang out with my friends and watch napoleon dynamite!
john travolta is one of the sexiest men alive. if you do not think that then you need to take a harder look.
I have friends better than your friends.
View All of My Posse
The Used, Good charlotte, New Found Glory, Weezer, Minutes Too Far, Simple Plan, No Doubt, My Chemical Romance, Yellowcard, Story of the year, AFI, The Eagles, Eric Clapton, Journey, Queen, Steve Miller Band, Usher, Nelly, Michelle Branch, Michael Jackson, Something Corporate, The Darkness, Ryan Adams, Midtown, Relient K, Ashlee Simpson, Jimmy Eat World, The Doors, All American Rejects, Allister, Sum 41, Slick Shoes, Count The Stars, Less Than Jake, Fenix TX, Blue October, The Starting Line, MxPx, NOFX, Halo Friendlies, Taking Back Sunday, Limp Bizkit, Dashboard Confessional, The Ataris, Three Days Grace, Hoobastank, Chevelle, Marilyn Manson, Alkaline Trio, Foo Fighters, Vendetta Red, Mest, Rancid, Further Seems Forever, H2O, Tasty Bicycles, Sublime, Finch, Sugarcult, Anberlin, Brand New, Ultimate Fakebook, Saves The Day, HIM, Feeling Left Out, The Early November, Papa Roach, System of a Down, No Use for a Name, Andrew WK, Riddlin' Kids, Black Eyed Peas, Motion City soundtrack, Saosin, Acceptance, NERD, Staind, Blink 182, Hawthorne Heights, and plenty more but i can't think of them right nowVideo code provided by ..com
anything with john travolta of course, coyote ugly, crazy/beautiful, the goonies, signs, the others, animal house, the grinch who stole christmas, breakfast club, cruel intentions, bill and ted's bogus journey, bill and ted's excellent adventure, pink floyd's the wall, slc punk, Napoleon Dynamite
Friends all the way!, The O.C. , Jackass, anything on mtv(i know i'm a sellout)
stephen king books, mary higgins clark books, anything mystery or death related, i'm not into that porno stuff
my brother chris, my parents, any musician who either has or hasn't made it in the music business because they are doing what they love.
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