Welome to Erin Jay Moyer aka the unknown poets page
Hi everyone whats going on? Looks like youve reached my myspace page finally ...its about time what took you so long?! Anyways My names Erin Moyer if you havnt already figured that out Im currently attending Metro State in Denver. but other than tryin to get through college which is the backup plan, I write poetry. So seeing as how youve landed on my page you might as well take a look at some of it, even if you dont necessarily like poetry you should check it out it might change your mind! Feel free to hit me up with any questions about the first book the upcoming book or anything else I wont bite. :)
You can take a more in depth look at the book here: @ Introduction to society page ..
Heres a glimpse of My first book:
well umm nuff said.
A Poet
his emotions bleeding from his pen
proving he cant always hold them in,
writing of things not just for others but also for him
spilling his heart onto endless pages,
his only release throughout the years,
acknowledgment only arriving in slow stages
hoping his goal of publication nears
his dream, to reach those who are deemed unreachable
if only once, to write what many view as unthinkable
to convey that there is always someone else
who has felt what some feel
to show things in this world that are seldom seen but real,
the audience he chooses consists of anyone,
anyone, who has ever felt anything
he's trying to have an impact on everyone,
expressing what he has seen, what he has felt, everything
this is all he is,
this is all he does,
he is one of many,
a poet.
copyright © 2006 by Erin Jay Moyer
The tat....the chinese lettering at the bottom is spose to stand for brotherhood...now I dont read chinese so... Im hopin that is was done right! but if not o well! The tat is shared among 3 of us me, my boyz bay and thomas. It was done the day before bay left to go back to the marines after a short visit back to denver. Much love to ya bay know that me and thomas are holdin down colorado for u! Just make sure u get ur ass back here in one piece!