Member Since: 19/01/2006
Band Website: http;//
Band Members: Matt Beebe Guitar/Vocals
Adam Bursley Drums
Adam Fox Bass
Influences: Nirvana, Doors, System of a Down, tool, Tom Waits, Pennywise, Bad Religion, Antiseptic, a perfect Circle, Chopin, Philip Glass, the aliens who built the pyramids, Mastodon, Timothy O'Leary, Nine inch Nails, Jimi Hendrix, Marijuana, Black Sabbath, Offspring, Clutch, Whiskey, Slayer, , Cream, Gorillz, Zenobia Rd., Infinity/3rd Eye, Aldous Huxley, CG Jung, Alice in Chains, Bill Hicks, Pharmacuticals Agency, Fight Club, Mitch Hedberg, my 8 Year old cousin Zack, Pearl Jam, Rum,Slipknot, Flaming Lips, Invisible Monsters, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, , The Stars, Water, Hops, Barley, Pink Floyd the Barber, Jack Daniels, Yohimbe Bark, The Beatles, Many Friends, the Sun
Sounds Like: The Cat's Ass but Colder than a well digger's
Record Label: King Midget Records
Type of Label: Indie