♥ aShLeY profile picture

♥ aShLeY

♥ be the change you want to see ♥

About Me


My Interests

I ♥ MuSiC...PiErCiNgS...TaTtoOs...TrUcKs...ThE RaIn...KnEe HiGh SoCKs...StArS...TaKiNg PiCtUrEs...mY CaR...GoIn 2 ShOws...MeEtIn NeW PpL...HaNgIn OuT w/ FrIeNdS...


EvErYtHinG! WhAt EvEr MakeS Me FeEl LiKe mE...


PaRtY MoNsTeR... AlMosT FaMoUs... THE NOTEBOOK 3 OkAy, i LiKe HarRy PoTteR


LAW && ORDER,FaMiLy GuY, ThaT 7o's ShOw, GiLmOrE GiRlS, SeX n' ThE CiTy, NIP/TUCK, n' a CoUplE OtHeR ShOwS


dO TaTtOo mAgaZiNeS CoUnT? i LiKe PiCTuRe bOoKs! hAhA


JeNnIfER gOoDgAme! Be JealOuS, YoU DoNt HAve ONe!

My Blog

true story.

no matter what, some people will always just be childish. it can not be avoided or prevented, it's just going to happen. something i am comming to realize more and more. i am now going to just ac...
Posted by ♥ aShLeY on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 12:25:00 PST