.:♥AmY LeiGh♥:. profile picture

.:♥AmY LeiGh♥:.

♥God doesn't give us anything we can't handle♥

About Me

My name is Amy ... Im 19 years old. Im married to my Best friend, the love of my life Matt we are expecting a little boy on April 4th his name is Jayden I just cant wait.Our prayers came true and we are so happy to have Matts daughter Brooklyn in our lives now ~ She is a cutie.. I will post pics soon =)We also just added a new member to the family.. My X*mas present from Matt little Mini Leigh our puppy shes already spoiled badly ;D
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Which CareBear Are You???

Love A Lot Bear
Love-a-lot Bear believes in the power of love, but is not afraid to help it along. She's a pretty and perky bear who loves everything about love and tries to make it grow wherever she goes. Love-a-lot Bear loves her tummy symbol tootwo hearts!
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My Interests

one way


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Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty*CaRrIe BraDsHaW*~ SeX AnD ThE CiTy~"MaYbE OuR MiStAkEs ARe WhAt MakE oUr FaTe. WiThOuT tHeM, wHaT wOuLd ShApE oUr LiVeS? PeRhApS if We NeVeR VeErEd OfF CoUrSe, We WoUlDn'T fALl In LovE, Or HavE BaBiEs, Or Be WhO wE aRe. AfTeR aLl SeAsOnS cHaNgE. sO dO cItiEs. PeOpLe CoMe IntO yOuR lIfE aNd PeOpLe Go. BuT iTs ComFoRtInG tO kNoW tHaT tHe OnEs WhO rEaLLy 3 u AnD YoU lOvE aRe AlwAys In YoUr 3. And If YoUr LuCkY,a PhOne CaLl AwAy"


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~My Grandpa~... We LoVe You and miss You!! You have a great grandson on the way and we named him after you. I wish you were here so bad I miss you every day!Also.. My parents they are great thanks for not givin up on me LOL. My mom has done alot for her family especially for my Grandpa. MoSt Of AlL J.C. I wouldnt be any thing without my faith!!

My Blog

*What Love means ta Kids*

1   Love is when my mommy makes coffee formy daddy and she takes a sip beforegiving it to him, to make sure thetaste is OK. 2   Love is when mommy tells Daddy she likes his shirt,t...
Posted by .:♥AmY LeiGh♥:. on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 09:38:00 PST

~My EvErYtHiNg~

*Most everyone who knows me knows that back in the day it was me and Matt and we went our for olmost 3 years and have been friends sence like 5th grade or longer lol he was my first n only . Well when...
Posted by .:♥AmY LeiGh♥:. on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 07:34:00 PST

*fRiEnDs*" ThiS iS 2 CuTE"

1. In kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon when all that was left was the ugly black one.2. In first grade your idea of a good friend was the person ...
Posted by .:♥AmY LeiGh♥:. on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 02:38:00 PST

***YoUr a 90Z kId If***

You're a 90's kid if: You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE!" You can sing the rap to "The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air" You remember when Kurt Cobain, Tu Pac, River Phoenix, and Selena died. ...
Posted by .:♥AmY LeiGh♥:. on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 12:49:00 PST