I am 27 and studying goat balancing. This is a relatively new science which involves balancing as many goats on top of eachother as possible. Our current record is 12 but I believe, having studied the behaviour of balanced goats for six years now, that a maximum of around 63 should be possible so long as certain requirements and conditions are correct. Eg, wind, level of alcohol in the goats' blood
and whether or not the goats in question are trained or amateur balancers. The goal of these studies isn't entirely sure to me yet but so long as the University of George ' I have a head like a basketball' Levings keep providing the funds I'm happy to oblige so long as the goats are kept in a healthy living environment!.. rc=http://widget.slide.com/widgets/slideticker.swf width=426 height=320 type=application/x-shockwave-flash wmode="transparent" flashvars="site=widget.slide.com&channel=773262" salign="l" scale="noscale" quality="high"
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See if you can hold your piss in whilst watching this video!