I'm 20. I've lived in my hometown for all my life. I think that life is short and should be lived to the fullest. I can summarize myself in three words. LOVE, HOPE, and KINDNESS.
I believe that kindness is something everyone should have. Why be angry it's really stupid. When you become angry everything shuts down,friends don't want to be around you, and they will always remember you when you were mad and less likely to think of you when your happy.
Hope, this is very important you have to have hope to live life. If you don't have hope what would you look forward for. It would be useless to live like that. Things wouldn't seem as great without hope.
Lastly love. I think that love is a goal that everyone tries to reach. Without love life is empty. Everyone wants that other person who will care for them and cherish them. It's a goal that everyone strives to reach. Sometimes it take longer to find love, but when you do embrace it. It is priceless and you can't lose it or the pain in your heart would never leave.
Three words mean so much. Listen to my words and learn from them and learn from yourself. Your heart and brain are your best teachers listen to them. If they have conflicts think them through, see both sides and chose wisely.
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