Get Code | Create Your Own!QUIEREME O ODIAME DE QUAL QUIER FORMA ES UNA OBSESSION. LEO Dominant in relationships. Horny. Freak in bed.
Always want the last word. Quiet. Caring. Smart. Aggressive.loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight for what they want.
Extremly outgoing. Outstanding kisser.La gente me senala,
me apunta con el dedo,
susurra a mis espaldas
y a me importa un bledo.que mas me da?
Si soy distinto a ellos,
no soy de nadie,
no tengo dueno.Yo se que me critican,
me consta que me odian,
la envidia les corroe,
mi vida les agobia.Por que sera?
Yo no tengo la culpa,
mis circunstancias les insultan.
Mi destino es el que yo decido,
el que yo eligo para mi. Quiza la culpa es mia,
por no seguir la norma.
Ya es demasiado tarde
para cambiar ahora.
Me mantendre firme en mis convicciones,
reforzare mis posiciones.LLO SOY ASI Y ASI SEGUIRE!
.. .. ..
Will and grace,the simpsons,girlfriends,queer as folk,sex in the city,friends, mtv,that 70's show, discovery channel,maybe cartoon network and south park. other than that its movies. i lived a very sheltered life and more of an outdoor life. to bad there are no more thundercats they rock!
''the first year'' it opened my mind,my eyes, made me see and have a whole diffrent perspection in life. never leave what you can do today for tomorrow, it might not be there and it will be to late. we often tend to listen to our mind, "do this do that" and sometimes forget about the heart. others tend to listen to their heart instead of their mind whatever the case may be listen to ur heart it never lies do whats best for you and only you. for in the end thats all you'll have. you. "Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens." i also read magazines need to be up to date with all the famous ppl, i read people en espanol, gq, rolling stones, details, vouge, adelante,oddesy. the normal gay sh!7.'' you dont have to be gay'' a fragile circle'' tom cat chonicels''the outsiders''
my mother, my family they have been there for me thru it all and i know they will always be there for me.people who had nothing and got somewhere. and of course thalia. god is one of them to. i also admire ppl who are strong who can be so lovable then all of a sudden be so cold, im so nice so gullible so nieve that in the end im always the one getting hurt. im not stupid i just mean what i say. and those kind of ppl make me stronger, i guess im my own hero in a way. i know what i want in life ive moved up so far in life that im not going to let anyone push me down nor bring me down. im proud of what i have and what ive acomplished, i still have a lot to go and my heros are going to help me get there. i know it!