Chris profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm chris :) I like heavy music n all things alternative. I like all types of METAL amongst other wonderful genres...
I play drums and I also try writing songs on guitar from time to time.
"My snare helps my soul to bare."
Currently drumming for the Elizabeth Rogers Band (we have no name yet, working on that)
Bands I've previously been in:
Delusions of Adequacy as guitarist/bassist
Killin Space as drummer
I waste a lot of money on my car, in the pub or on musical equipment. Most weekends i frequent trillians or legends in newcastle, or if i'm lucky i'll be gigging in those venues and others in the area. If I see you i'll most likely hug you :) so beware! :)

My Interests

DRUMS, guitars, DREADLOCKS, cars, driving, gigging, jamming, writing, rocking out, dancing (i dance the i can't dance dance =p), the beach, forests, spiritualism, mysticism, space/time, sciences, listening to the most obscure bands ever ever ever...i dont care if u think i'm a geek =p

I'd like to meet:

anyone, whatever, i like making new friends (Y)
Mikael Akerfeldt of Opeth as he is a song writing genius and inspiration to me and I have 1001 questions about songwriting and guitar playing that I'd like to ask him.
Jack Irons of Pearl Jam for his fucking unique style that makes me red with jealousy lol
Any other drummers to exchange ideas!


Recent tracks I be played yarr:

I likes....
METAL!, doom, death, gothic, black, darkwave/coldwave, progressive, experimental, INDUSTRIAL, ambient instrumental, nu-metal, thrash, STONER/DOOM, technical, symphonic, funk, punk, reggae, DUB REGGAE, grunge, post-metal, alternative, 80s electronica/synth, some dance/dnb, some rap/hip hop, and just plain rock n roll!
My weekly artists according to Last.Fm

This is awesome, few albums I like:


I'll watch anything pretty much! Favs I grew up with are The Matrix (1st film), Bill n Ted (both films), Wayne's World 1 n 2, Terminator trilogy, Alien Trilogy (i haven't seen 4 yet!) the usual...


I watch any old shit if im bored enough




A shitload of musicians

My Blog

weekend of awesomeness! Part 2

Whey aye. So i’m back from work after another crappy shift on the phones. woooo!So where was i? Metroland yeah? This is gonna sound like a fucking 14 year olds day out, BUT that is EXACTLY what ...
Posted by Chris on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 03:34:00 PST

weekend of awesomeness! Part 1 (cos i had to go to wrk like)

ARRG i just wrote an epic blog and my browser crashed so i’m gonna write as much as i can from what i can remember lol!Well anyway thats the end of a fucking awesome weekend to say the leas...
Posted by Chris on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 01:48:00 PST


Yo yo yo, listen up dudes and dudettes, guys n gals, ladies n gents, mr dreadhead has a plan (oh yes he has!)Alton towers road trip yeah? OR Camping roadtrip somewhere, a weekend sometime in June (see...
Posted by Chris on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 11:41:00 PST