DRUMS, guitars, DREADLOCKS, cars, driving, gigging, jamming, writing, rocking out, dancing (i dance the i can't dance dance =p), the beach, forests, spiritualism, mysticism, space/time, sciences, listening to the most obscure bands ever ever ever...i dont care if u think i'm a geek =p
anyone, whatever, i like making new friends (Y)
Mikael Akerfeldt of Opeth as he is a song writing genius and inspiration to me and I have 1001 questions about songwriting and guitar playing that I'd like to ask him.
Jack Irons of Pearl Jam for his fucking unique style that makes me red with jealousy lol
Any other drummers to exchange ideas!
Recent tracks I be played yarr:
I likes....
METAL!, doom, death, gothic, black, darkwave/coldwave, progressive, experimental, INDUSTRIAL, ambient instrumental, nu-metal, thrash, STONER/DOOM, technical, symphonic, funk, punk, reggae, DUB REGGAE, grunge, post-metal, alternative, 80s electronica/synth, some dance/dnb, some rap/hip hop, and just plain rock n roll!
My weekly artists according to Last.Fm
This is awesome, few albums I like:
I'll watch anything pretty much! Favs I grew up with are The Matrix (1st film), Bill n Ted (both films), Wayne's World 1 n 2, Terminator trilogy, Alien Trilogy (i haven't seen 4 yet!) the usual...
I watch any old shit if im bored enough
A shitload of musicians