perliña~ crazy diamond profile picture

perliña~ crazy diamond

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

interiormente instabile ma esteriormente affabile...
[equilibrio perfetto-xlina]
"i freeze my hands as i close the door/ to wait in line so i can wait some more // i watch the numbers register on the postal scale/ i think of your hands and calculate/ how a man, desired, feels the weight of a letter/ it's true what they say about me/ that i'm out of my mind but i think that you'll like it/ so take the chance/ be reckless with me/ cause i'm real life/ and you're real life/ and we're real life/ we're real life // is it pleasing? six hundred thousand miles and all this solitude/ i know what is pleasing/ what i'll find bneath your new pair of glasses // i need you to know, i need you to know/ that i'm real life" [joan as police woman-real life]
"29 pearls in your kiss a singin' smile/ coffee smell and lilac skin your flame in me/ i'm only here for this moment/ i know everybody here wants you/ i know everybody here thinks he needs you // and i know they all look so good from a distance/ but i tell you i'm the one..." [everybody here wants you-jeff buckley]
"i have suffered shipwreck against your dark brown eyes/ i have run aground against your broken doubt smiles/ believe me when i tell you i have no place to roam/ but to go where the wild flowers grow/ and the stone gardens bloom..." [tiergarten-rufus wainwright]
"he's the beautifullest/ fragilest/ still strong/ dark, and divine/ and the littleness of his movements/ hides himself/ invents a charm that makes him invisible/ hides in the air.../ can i hide there too?/ hide in the air of him/ seek solace, sanctuary/ in a hidden place..." [hidden place-bjork]
"stop me falling down/ stop me making movies of myself // and start giving me something/ a love that is longer than a day/ stop making my heart sing/ something that it doesn't wanna say // darling don't you ever let me go/ wrap your lovin' arms around me/ while the cold winds blow/ tell me what i really wanna know..." [movies of myself-rufus wainwright]
"been thinking about you/ your record's a hit/ your eyes are on my wall/ your teeth are over there/ but i'm still no-one/ and you're my star/ what do you care? // been thinking about you/ so how can you sleep?/ these people arent' your friends/ they pay to kiss your feet/ they don't know what i know/ but what should you care?/ when i'm not there // all the things you've got/ that you'll never need/ all the things you've got/ i bled and i'd bleed to please you..." [thinking about you-radiohead]
"e ti verrò a cercare/ quando il buio/ tenta/ di far risaltare/ la tua assenza..." [dove sei tu-cristina donà]
"and his teeth are/ a ladder up to the mouth's cradle/ these teeth are a ladder that i walk // and you can use these teeth as a ladder up to the mouth's cradle/ and you can follow these notes i'm singin'/ up to the mouth's cradle..." [mouth's cradle-bjork]
"senti com'è tiepido il tramonto/ senti come l'aria ti accarezza.../ se tutto questo cielo/ stesse in una cartolina/ vorrei spedirla a chi ho lasciato solo..." [per te che non ho conosciuto-perturbazione]
"and then there's those other things/ which for several reasons we won't mention..." [cigarettes and chocolate milk-rufus wainwright]
i survived PUGLIA ON THE ROAD . and i'm here to tell.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

geri made human. chuck palahniuk. johnny depp. elton john. jared&jensen. (i've already met all the other people i wanted to meet <3)

My Blog

test dalla bia <3

1.Nome:perla2.Single o no?sè ._.3.Sesso:fimmena4.Compleanno:21 giugno 5.Sorelle o fratelli:unica XD6.Occhi:verdeoromarroni7.Capelli:mah ora sembrano più chiari del solito grigiotopo...quindi mmmh boh ...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 11:28:00 GMT

test dalla carlù <3

ome:perlaAnni:20 e mezzo XDHai amici gay?si :DTi sei mai innamorata/o di un gay?tipo che tutti gli uomini (oddeo quasi) che vorrei sposare sono gay? XDDi cosa ti sei stufata/o?della forma dell'italia ...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Dec 2008 17:59:00 GMT

test dal mio ammor <3

0) DA QUANTE PERSONE E' COMPOSTA LA TUA TOP FRIENDS?40...di più non ce ne stanno XD1) PERCHè IL NUMERO 1 E' IL NUMERO 1?perchè il pugliaontheroad è il pugliaontheroad XD e perchè lo cogestisco io XD2)...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Dec 2008 05:10:00 GMT


QUEST'ANNO1) HAI AVUTO QUALCHE RELAZIONE?cominciamo subito male =_=2) GIA' FESTEGGIATO IL TUO COMPLEANNO?sisi...tra 3 giorni faccio sei mesi XD3) PIANTO?si, due volte...nello stesso giorno XD4) FATTO ...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Dec 2008 03:58:00 GMT

test malefico delle due pucci <3

1. NOMEperla 2. ETA'venti e mezzo XD 3. DOVE VIVI?a collinadisantamarianuova E a bologna 4. DOVE VORRESTI VIVERE?in spagna ç_ç 5. STUDI O LAVORI?studio per dire una barzelletta. 6. SESSO? (INTERPRETAZ...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Dec 2008 19:11:00 GMT

test fregato a chi l’ha fregato a chi l’ha fregato etc

1.Cosa significa il tuo Nome su My Space?dunque. perliña è un soprannome che mi diede il meravilgioso prof spagnolo di italiano quando feci il gemellaggio..mi disse che in galizia mi avrebbero chiamat...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Dec 2008 02:23:00 GMT

test fregato a martipuccia <3

1] COM' E' STATA LA SETTI MANA? bella! piena di treni e persone meravigliose riviste e risentite...e non finisce qui!'s still friday, you don't have to walk away.... *canticchia* 2] L' UL...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 15:03:00 GMT

test fregato di nuovo alla silvia <3

1. Come Ti Chiami?perla :) 2. Anni?20 e quasi mezzo XD 3. Compleanno?21 giugno 4. Segno Zodiacale?cancro 5. Ascendente?oddio mi pare che una volta l'ho calcolato ed è tipo leone? 6. Studi O Lavori?non...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 03:11:00 GMT

test fregato ad alexy <3

PRIMI DIECI*Primo migliore amico* lara *Primo nickname* papera (grazie, babbo e mamma, grazie XD) *Nome del primo animale domestico* pallina *Primo piercing* naso *Prima cotta* andrea *Primo CD* fr...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Nov 2008 00:24:00 GMT

test fegato alla silvia <3

1. Cosa hai come sfondo del tuo cellulare?cominciamo con le domande scomodeeee XD 2. Guardi più tv o ascolti la musica? la tv la guardo veramente poco, la musica non la ascolto solo quando dormo XD 3....
Posted by on Sat, 22 Nov 2008 18:20:00 GMT