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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

________________________________Do not ask me who I am and do not ask me to remain the same. Leave it to our bureaucrats and police to see that our papers are in order. ~~Foucault________________________________Bookseller, Holy Man-Shithead, eBay huckster, Casandra-esque futurist, Discordian Pope, human-being-without-portfolio. ________________________________ I am just your basic stock model jeans & flannel shirt 420-loving not-entirely-ex hippie kinda guy (with some nice under-the-hood freelance evolutionary intelligence agent/spiritual warrior retro-fits), who generally finds more in common with sub- & counter-culture types than with the mainstream.________________________________I commonly manifest materially as a double-tall double-light double-sweet eccentric unaffected distinctly male man; also, occasionally, I may manifest spiritually as a distinctly rich blend of internally eternally pagan female mocha loca mystic mamma-jamma, fragrantly steaming, richly & deeply flavored (only slightly bitter at the depths) uber-grandissimo coffee, so heady that it's consciousness-raising, served in a large glazed ceramic vessel, and dosed liberally with a smooth home-brewed Bailey's Irish Creme-like essence of multiply-layered sensibility. {Do you believe that?}________________________________
Which Monster From Greek Mythology Are You?
You're THE SPHINX!- Riddle me Riddle - The Sphinx was an enigmatic monster with the body of a lion, breasts and head of a woman, and she also had a pair of wings on her back. Unlike most other monsters, she gave her victims a chance before attacking them; she told them riddles, and if they couldn't answer them correctly, she would tear them apart. Civilized, huh? Well, anyways. One time the Sphinx was terrorizing the city of Thebes, not letting anyone through the city gates until this guy called Oedipus came along and became the first person ever to know the right answer to her riddle, which made the monstress run away ashamed. Some say she killed herself, and some that she just went away. Anyways, if it makes you feel any better, that guy Oedipus ended up killing his father, marrying his mother, and blinding himself. You're a bit of a mystery to everyone around you. Cryptic and puzzling, you're a whole lot more intelligent than average people but you prefer keep things you know to yourself. You're very observant and sophisticated, and you know a lot more about the world than you're willing to share.
Take this quiz !
Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code________________________________INTERESTS: Esoterica, media, yoga, linguica, eastern studies, neuroscience, genetics, postmodernism, humanities, ethical theory, alternative health, religions, nanotech, feminism, anarchism, paleontology, fiction, mythology, art, genetics, people-watching, NYC architecture, spirituality, anthropology-archeology, pets (animals in general), anime, scifi, evolutionary intelligence, historic conspiracies, alternative energy, paranormal, pharmacology, memorabilia, hedonism, smart-ass humor, non-hierarchical structures, gothiness, science, inexplicable anomalies, pretty-pretties I find on the sidewalk, comics, magick, pin-up art, psychology & oral sex. [Non-limiting List.]________________________________Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. ~~Thomas H. Huxley________________________________DISINTERESTS: Whatever happens to be currently arbitrarily fashionable [except perhaps as entertainment], finance, cars, sports or why *your* religion is *my* Answer. ________________________________WHAT I AM DOING WITH MY LIFE: The best I can.________________________________I'M REALLY GOOD AT: The lost art of diagramming sentences. Basic non-fancy cooking (I can even bake a cherry pie...). Getting along with animals. Surviving on peanut butter and jelly. Editing text. Holding contradictory paradigms simultaneously. Remembering useless trivia. Forgetting names (look up "nominative aphasia"). Sleeping. Misplacing things I had in my hand just a second ago.________________________________THE 1ST THING[S] PEOPLE USUALLY NOTICE ABOUT ME: Height. Indifference to fashion. Verbal skills. ________________________________RELIGION: As an Anti-fundamentalist Discordian, I consider *any* sect screwed up enough to think that All Worthwhile Truth can be found only in *any* ancient (or modern, for that matter!) Book of Holy Scripture--to be utterly poisonous to true spirituality. I pretty much abhor institutionalized religion (which, in general, is to true spirituality as the military is to individualism). It is at its best when offering needed local community social services (and at it's worst when trying to control human behavior or promising pie-inna-sky-by-and-by...). ________________________________ What about Atheism? Clearly, to me, it is simply the fundamentalist faith of the fanatically devout reductionistic rationalist. Just another belief-system--equally as dependent upon unprovable a priori assumptions as any religion; atheists generally understand this logical flaw about as well any other True Believer understands the full implications of what they are is professing). ________________________________ So Then Mr Smart-Pants--What IS Your Insight into Spirituality, and How Do You Practice This Belief?: I believe that there is a lot more going on in the universe than can be accounted for by any materialistic or reductionistic philosophy (that is: anything purely scientific, rational or logical). And I don't believe that consciousness resides exclusively in the brain. (Have I confused you yet?) But--to answer the question--I meditate and I try to practice compassion, and have an avid interest in myths and archetypes and other various ways of discovering and creating meaning.________________________________Significance Is Where YOU Put It!________________________________Faith is a state of openness or trust. To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float. And the attitude of faith is the very opposite of clinging to belief, of holding on. In other words, a person who is fanatic in matters of religion, and clings to certain ideas about the nature of God and the universe, becomes a person who has no faith at all. Instead they are holding tight. But the attitude of faith is to let go, and become open to truth, whatever it might turn out to be. ~~Alan Watts ________________________________POLITICS: I am pretty much an idiosyncratically anarcho-libertarian liberal--with lotsa humanist sprinkles. In my opinion, the individual, not the State, is sovereign. I believe that any citizen who trusts a politician to act in their best interest (rather than in his or her own) deserves what they get--but the rest of us do not. ________________________________ Politics is a mug's game, an inherently filthy business--like war or slavery or coal mining or rendering gelatin from leftover cow parts. Those who participate in it for any length of time--on any level--generally cannot help being changed for the worse by the noxious stench of their working environment. Whenever near to where political machinations are being practiced on a large scale, mentally hold your nose like you were driving past a combination toxic chemical dump, leather tannery & charnel house... ________________________________Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the ones who think differently. ~~Rosa Luxemburg________________________________LIBERTY & PERSONAL FREEDOM: Prohibition--of any sort--*never* helps. In fact, it CLEARLY hurts, and makes the "problem" it was intended to address very quickly much much worse (as well as creating brand new problems as well).________________________________MY DREAM: It should be generally recognized throughout all civilized cultures that what an intelligent informed adult puts into his or her body chemically, herbally, potably, gastrically or even simply physically!--for *whatever* private purpose--is all equally and utterly *ones own damn business*--equally as much as what one is inclined to do with one's body sexually (or not), or what one chooses to read or to write. (Perhaps these things may legitimately sometimes also be the business of ones immediate associates--friends, family, lovers, medical personnel...) ________________________________ BUT: Governments, insurance companies, corporations, law enforcement groups (and other such alleged pseudo-entities)--which are rightfully meant to *"serve and protect"* us, rather than to *rule* us--as well as any other hostile individuals personally inimical to such [alleged assumed or actual] behavior of other persons--such as employers, co-workers, landlords, etc--must be gently and firmly directed by societal mores to butt the hell out of how other independent adult individuals choose to be or to behave (unless or until the abuses of force or fraud are clearly involved). ________________________________ And further, such entities and individuals should be firmly encouraged--as often and as publicly as possible (as one would a firmly admonish 4-year-old peeing on a stranger's foot in a public street)--to put their proud little wee-wee back in their own damn pants (so as to pee down their own leg if they *must* neglect self-restraint entirely), and to return forthwith to *literally* minding their own business--specifically: to turn to tending to the copious crabgrass, gophers & strangle vines which have clearly established significant footholds in their own allegedly morally superior garden. ________________________________ Any attempts to legislate morality--secular *or* ecclesiastical--are (metaphorically if not literally) evil. (And doomed to fail in the long run.) In a world rife with uncountable unjustifiable because-this-is-how-we-do-it-that's-why hierarchies, virtually everyone *must* lie and cheat and habitually keep their actions compartmentalized from their ethics [if any...], just to survive. In a world of true and unfettered egalitarian liberty and equality, only a pathological person (or a novelist) would ever find it necessary to lie.________________________________Worth tattooing on the inside of every neo-con's eyelids (in fluorescent ink...): "When any government, or church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects 'This you may not hear, this you may not see, this you are forbidden to know', the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. It takes very little to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free--not the rack, not a fission bomb, nothing. You can't conquer a free man. The most you can do it kill him." ~~Robert A. Heinlein [novelist, snarky social commentator and inventor of the water bed...]________________________________Any fool can make a rule and every fool will mind it. ~~Henry David Thoreau________________________________Each Individual Contains a Sleeping Sovereign! Wake Yours Up Before It Is Too Late!~~Rumi______________________________________MOREMEMOREMEMOREME______I browse personals ads for signs of intelligent life, write, sell stuff on eBay, indifferently attempt home repair, believe seven impossible things before breakfast (and even more before I wake up...), prefer Cherry Coke & enjoy walking my dog inna park.________________________________I am sex-positive, open-minded, test regularly & personally het. The most amazing and wonderful partners I've ever had have almost always been bi women. (Aside: Any thoughts on why that might be...?)________________________________aka: POPE PRIMATE MAGUS: First Speaker of the Church of Our Lady of Discord, Officially Un-Appointed Lifetime Ministerial Brujo-Seer-Shaman-Pastor-Confessor-S­piritual Advisor Avuncular Mystic & Alleged Spoonbender [Washington Heights Hiram Bamboozle Chapter] & Supernumerary Executive Financial Officer of the Multiversalist Post-PostModern Re-Evolutionary Congregation of Unsquelchable Like-Minded Individualists; Neighborhood Dog Whisperer; Occasional Speaker of Truth to Bullies; Compulsively Oblique Story-Teller & Free-Lance Evolutionary Intelligence Re-Agent ________________________________ {I'm having business cards prepared--but the engraving seems to be taking an unusually long time...}_______________________________M'wah...! ~~SAM[email protected]_______________________________My life consists in my being content to accept many things. ~~Ludwig Wittgenstein________________________________

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

SEE: HEROES [also Music & Movies...]________________________________Science is like sex: Sometimes something useful comes out of it, but that is not the reason we are doing it. ~~Richard Feynman________________________________ RELATIONSHIPS: I have had experience in various alternative types of relationships [avuncular, escapade, open, multiple,*very* multiple {*grin*}, handyman, light bondage, live-in babysitter, chaotic neutral catalyst, strange attractor, ad hoc sex therapist, hide the shoehorn inna corner...] as well as the more mundane kinds [5 years of marriage; numerous occasionally luminous friendships (both with and without benefits) with various remarkable women].________________________________TURN-ONS: Willing flesh, a lively mind, a shining heart. I value intelligence creativity kindness empathy beauty skill independence an open mind liveliness passion & anyone who has something interesting to say on any topic. (D'oy! I should maybe want to hang with someone dull unattractive mean rigid clingy and passionless?) Extra points to an animal lover (I have a remarkable all-white Akita/shepherd hybrid & some wily cats.) Worth mentioning--a little shameless lack of inhibition never hurts...!________________________________TURN-OFFS: Empathic indifference, bigotry, scorn [as opposed to witty sarcasm], willful ignorance, a curdled soul, blithe cultural chauvinism, possessive jealousy, skin-deep depth, mindless rigidity, lack of self-respect & habitual manipulativeness. ________________________________ I tend to find myself involved with intelligent & complicated women. (A good thing, but never an entirely unmixed blessing...!) ________________________________ I'm here to meet interesting people--primarily for casual fun--but I personally tend to let such things play out in whatever direction that they may seem to be most inclined [from nowhere to... anywhere]. (I try to make it a personal rule to avoid the nasty habit of over-defining the nature or limits of a relationship before it has even begun!)________________________________I have never believed in the mythical "perfect match". Nobody is "ideal" or Mr or Ms "Perfect"; Prince Charming and those guys are *fairy tales*! (And, to be blunt, finding a grown woman who still "believes Her Prince is out there" is generally pretty sad and somewhat creepy, to tell you the truth--like she has been living wrapped in a stunted hypnogogic emotional haze since she was imprinted at 4 years old, and has since permitted no experience with actual reality to impinge on her cultural wreckage of a fantasy...) ________________________________ BUT before you call my a dog-damn cynic: I believe that every person--and every relationship--is unique and (one hopes) brings with it the unexpected and surprising. Everyone has flaws; and, very often, humans beings are worth knowing as much for their flaws and imperfections as for those qualities which it might be easier to admire. It takes all of these things to make us who we are. Every REAL person brings their own mix of unexpected indefinables to the table, and deserves to be considered "as is", instead of against some allegedly "perfect" ideal. ________________________________ The Ideal Match is a chimera, a will-o'the-wisp, an abstraction *only*. Because only a real imperfect human person can make your bed warm (or otherwise inviting), or kiss you *just* right... ________________________________ And then, of course, there is always the unpredictable "chemistry" random factor, which can either keep apart people who seem to be a perfect match on paper, or draw together people who otherwise may have nothing in common at all. ________________________________ If a woman doesn't show clear interest early on in a relationship, I generally assume that BAS [best available scenario] is that I might make a new friend-without-benefits. (Best of all possible worlds: A smart funny bi chick to ogle other women with!) ________________________________ In any case, making a new friends is always nice. Tho making out with a new friend may be even nicer... And helping a new friend squeal with delight can be just... heavenly! {*grin*!}________________________________M'wah? Bwa-ha-ha!!! ~~Sam [email protected]________________________________Laugh and the world laughs with you; snore and you sleep alone. ~~Anthony Burgess________________________________

My Blog

Postscript to "Fascism & Liberty"

Hello Fellow Travelers thru the knotty-nought days of the 21st Century...These are just a few topic-relevant odds and ends I didn't have room to include last time:   ****************************...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 06:27:00 GMT

POLITICS: Freedom and Fascism

PrefaceFirst, some old business: I took the remarkable photo in the previous blog entry at a museum downtown six years ago or so. I wish I could remember either the name of the museum or the artist, ...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 01:48:00 GMT

"Antici..... pation...!"

Watch This Space. I Think I'm Finally Ready! M'wah!  ~~SAM
Posted by on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 02:51:00 GMT