I love my New Orleans and my Brad Pitt! Wish I could be a part of this design and construction!
See - Make It Right. .
I love my New Orleans and my Brad Pitt! Wish I could be a part of this design and construction!
See - Make It Right. .
Old friends, ambitious people, rowers, travelers, carpenters, craftsmen, hikers, adventurers, architects, designers, vets...
And people who would like to help me fill in this damn map. There are way too many white spaces!
Dave Matthews, Blind Melon, Suicidal, U2, Otis Redding, Led Zeppelin, Rage Against the Machine, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Stoned Temple Pilots, Alice in Chains, Old Metallica, Old Slayer... to name a few
Three Musketeers (honor and friendship), The Fountainhead (integrity and ambition), The Celestine Prophecy (insight and connections), Scruffy (adversity and love)
My mom... I took me thirty one years to realize she is the only person I want to be like but it will take me the rest of my life to do it.
She is kind, patient, caring, forgiving, unselfish, smart, intuitive, inquisitive, independent, strong, content, supportive... she is a beautiful woman, an outstanding mother and my best friend
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